Chapter Twenty-Two

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My feet run. They run. My mind no longer in control of my body as I try to get out of this house, this prison. The confines no longer appealing to me. I need to shift.

I need to shift before I kill someone in my haggard state of anger.

That darn ghost Mel and Emile were an item. In love. Together. That's what the darn sadness in his eyes is all about. That's where the hostility in his attitude towards me comes from.

Whatever he says or claims my father did is a coverup for the fact that his love is dead and he can't get over her.

I don't know why I am so hurt by this, so broken to know his heart belongs to another and she's dead.

I should hate him for what he's doing to my father but the truth is, no matter how hard I try, the hatred is forced.

I feel Scarletta whimper within me in pain. She's hurt too. I try to console her but this time, she's the one who's calling the shots. She cuts me off.

That Mel. Sneaky girl she is. Talking to me like nothing happened. Talking to me like she was actually mad I betrayed my mate by kissing his brother. It was all show.. Or was it?

Maybe she wants him to forget her by moving on with me. Maybe that's exactly what she wants but why all the secrecy? Why is everyone keeping so many secrets? Even a ghost is keeping secrets!

Why can't they be more like me? A little more transparent?

Okay, well in all fairness, I did kiss Matthew but I was pushed to the wall for that!

I reach the bottom of the stairs and I am just about to run out of the house when I feel a strong grip around my waist holding me back.

"Luna, where do you think you're going?" Hayden monotones, his voice low and dry. Void of anything. Just empty. It's been that way since Olivia's arrival. Hayden now a crumbling version if who he was.

"Let me go. I need to shift!" I snarl, my body trying to unravel it's way from Hayden's surprisingly strong grip.

"No can do. Max gave strict orders. You aren't allowed to leave. You know this!" He says mundanely, his hands squeezing around me harder in annoyance causing a slight wince to escape my patchy throat. I try turning around to hit him squarely in the jaw but it's as if he anticipates this and wounds his hands around mine as well.

I forgot his strength equals mine.

"You know Hayden, you're such a hypocrite! Interfering in my affairs when you can't even face your own mate!" I sneer, my words heavy and venomous as I feel Scarletta shake within me.

I really need to shift.

At this point, I am ready to hurt anyone trying to hold me back, verbally, emotionally and otherwise. I become ruthless when I am angry. That I know all too well. My words become uncensored, poisoned and ready to kill.

"How shameless could one person get really? Running away because your mate smelt like another when you joyfully screwed her twin sister and now share a daughter with her. How classic!" I bark, forced laughter escaping my mouth to mock him as I feel anger surge through him, vibrating through his very being and against me.

If I wasn't his Luna, I'd probably be dead by now.

From the way Hayden seethes, I can tell he's doing everything within his power to keep the reigns on his wolf and not hurt me. He squeezes me harder causing me to wince even more, my own wolf threatening to shift beneath him. I feel my eyes change hue.

"Let her go." I hear Emile's Alpha tone coming from the stairs. A command instructing Hayden to leave me immediately without adding the word 'immediately'.

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