Chapter Thirty-Six

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I bolt to my feet in an instant, my face whiplashing to stare at the treacherous and guilty green eyes of Mel.

"I'm sorry." She mouths and I know that if ghosts could cry she would be in tears right now.

My bones stiffen as I narrow my eyes more intently at Mel. I want to ask for an explanation, to demand one and my eyes plead for Mel to refute Logan's claim.

She doesn't.

"Sonya, you may leave now." Logan deadpans and I hear Sonya's footsteps retreat as she leaves while I finally turn to meet Logan's amused blue eyes. Each movement of mine is stiff, mechanical and foreign.

"So you've been seeing Amelia all this time." Logan muses, a lopsided grin overtaking his lips "I knew you'd start seeing her eventually but I just never expected it to happen this soon."

"What do you mean?" I ask, confusion hitting me as a split headache begins to form within my skull.

"Don't worry about that now." He states, his voice firm to drive home the fact that he won't answer that and I am left wondering why. Logan begins to smile again, his face lighting up as he says "Didn't Amelia tell you about our tragic little love story?"

I look back towards the bed so Mel can see the anger burning intensely within my grey eyes. So she can see the hurt and betrayal which is clearly painted on my face.

Mel is gone.

She disappeared.

As usual.

"I take your silence and shocked expression as a no." Logan starts up again and I force my eyes to move and look at him "Sit down then. It's quite an interesting story but from the way your legs are shaking, I doubt you will be able to listen without them giving way. I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of being heartless or something."

If I wasn't so shaken up by Logan's revelation, I would probably have scoffed at the irony.

I think calling Logan heartless would be an understatement really.

I listen to Logan and sit down on the bed, feeling the mattress dip down slightly beneath my weight.

"Where shall I begin?" Logan asks, casually strolling deeper into my bedroom until he is standing at the foot of the bed, mischief playing heavily in his eyes as he tilts his face to the side.

"Start with how long you've known Mel was your mate." I spit those words out spitefully despite the fact that I know Logan has known about Mel for a while "How did you even know that was Mel? From what I heard, Sonya didn't even describe much of her."

Logan only chuckles.

I clench my jaw.

"Mel? Is that what you call her?" He raises an eyebrow at me but I force myself to remain silent. Knowing Logan for three years meant picking up certain habits and understanding each other to an extent. Silence from me, Logan always understood as agreement. So he presses on "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to you and your father, does it?"

"What do you mean?" I near yell, the shock I felt only minutes earlier beginning to wear off "And would you just answer my questions!"

"Ah! Yes, the questions." Logan chides "You asked two. You ask how long I've known Amelia and how I knew it was actually Amelia. So which would you prefer I address first?"

"The latter." I decide "How could you tell that the person Sonya was talking about was Mel when Sonya didn't even go in depth with the physical description of her?"

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