Chapter Thirty-Four

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Wattpad is messing with my chapter again! Argh!


Preview for those who might have skipped the last chapter and might have not realised that there was another content at the end... Long story short, after he kissed her, they mated, Scarletta came back to life, then Lena FINALLY marked Max. Yea then this is what happened afterwards....


As I look down at Max, I can't believe that I am actually about to do this. I lean down to kiss his forehead. His eyes are closed and he looks peaceful as I brush his brown hair away from his face with my fingers lightly. The renewed sparks seep into my skin happily.

"I love you with all my heart." I say into his ear quietly "Please never forget this."

I stand up, brushing my fingers over his cheek and letting the sparks fill me. A memory I want to hold on to.

"Please forgive me for what I'm about to do."

I take my fingers away from him, the absence of the sparks just reminding me of my decision as I turn away from him, afraid I'll change my mind if I look too long.

With tears in my eyes, I leave my sleeping mate on the bed, determined to return back to my pack.



~Hours earlier, while Lena was unconscious~

My tired eyes open to match my stiff limbs. My joints feel disjointed and my bones, simply un-alive.

I stare up into the sky, heavy mist forming above me. The air is wet and humid and so is the ground I lay on. The damp smell of rain mixed with earth wafts around my nose and when I try to sit up, I feel sharp jabs of pain everywhere within me.

I force myself up none-the-less.

I place my scratchy hand on my head, rubbing it slowly on my throbbing head as I attempt to pull my aching legs into me.

I let out a gruff and painful breath as I place my hand against my rib cage, slowly looking up and wondering where I am.

Everywhere is covered in mist, the fog completely thick and the lighting illuminating wherever this is, dim. I can barely see what's in front of me.

That what makes me to stiffen when a hand reaches out to touch my cheek.

I freeze, shocked still at the strange feeling against my cheek. The stillness, delicacy... familiarity. The way the slim fingers brush against my cheek softly has my heart beating faster in recognition.

I know who this is.

"Rena, it's been so long."

"M-mom?" My unsure words come out involuntarily, the warmth filling my heart is almost immediate.

She leans down next to me and her face comes into view, tears flooding her eyes in what I can't decide is pain or happiness.

She pulls me into a hug and despite the pain echoing in every inch of my body, I squeeze her tightly, my own tears cascading fiercely down my cheeks.

"Mom." I say into her in disbelief as I feel happiness wash over me, bathing me in utter euphoria "I'm so happy to see you."

"Listen honey, we don't have much time." She tells me, releasing me from her embrace and then she quickly wipes my tears away "You have to-"

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