Chapter Ten

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I step away from Adelaide's cot instantly, her curly blonde hair finally making sense to me.

"Rena let me..." I cut Rionna off.

"Don't explain a thing!" I hiss at her "You've made your choices in life quite clear Rionna!" I point my finger at her and stare at the tears slowly pooling in her eyes. Her tears do very little to faze me.

"You left your mate, only to get pregnant by a Beta. Rionna, I can't believe you are the same best friend I grew up with. You are exactly like Olivia! Infact, you are worse than her!" She looks at me in a pleading way. "At least Olivia never cheated on my brother!"

"Rena, I know I have made a huge mistake but..." I interrupt her again.

"Never call my name again! Infact, from now on, don't ever and I mean EVER come anywhere near me again because I don't know if I will be able to restrain myself if you do." Her tears are released and I walk away from her, towards the door.

"Rena..." She is unable to complete that because of her crying.

"Stay away from me Rionna!" I bark "Also, I think it goes without saying that I as well as my brother will NEVER forgive you!" I linger on the word 'Never' before I slam the door in her face.

I slam it so hard that for a minute, I fear it will go off it's hinges. Thank goodness it does not!

Rionna is a piece of work. I understand her sacrificing her mate for her sister but getting knocked up less than a month after leaving her pack, that I will never understand.

I walk away from the room and try to find my way downstairs but then the longing for my mate hits me as I sense him. Maybe it's his smell or just him but I can sense him.

I make my way to a huge door on the other side of the hallway by following his scent, my senses.

I stand behind the door. Okay, I thought being close to my mate a few feet would calm my wolf down, my silent Scarletta, down but it does not! Instead it's making me crave him more. Wait no! I mean it is making Scarletta crave him more. Scarletta wants him, not me. I repeat that sentence in my head at least ten times.

I touch the place on my neck that has the mark and an idea comes to mind. Why should I be the only one suffering? The only one craving? And the only one marked? It is just unfair.

A lightbulb goes off in my head. I'm going to mark him. Right now, he should be sleeping so I can just go over and mark him and he won't even realise it until it's done! Then we will be equal.

At that great thought, I slowly open the door, so slowly that it actually doesn't make a sound. I slowly and cautiously enter the room and close the door just as carefully as I opened it.

Once the door is closes, his scent hits me like a tonne of bricks, activating my wolf. It's so over-whelming. I fight with myself or with my wolf to gain control and focus on the task at hand; I have to mark Emile, like he marked me.

The darkness in the room is also overwhelming but I am grateful for it. I walk as slowly and quietly as possible towards his un-moving frame on the large bed.

I get close to him and he's lying on his back. I can vaguely see the sheets covering the lower part of his body while the upper part is without clothing.

I focus my eyes to try and find the spot in his neck that should be marked. After staring with werewolf sight for several seconds, I think I have found it.

I quickly lean down into his neck. I feel my canines come out but as I am about to mark him, I feel a strong pair of hands grip me. It drags me forcefully and  I land on top of him before I can even realise myself, then my canines retract.

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