13|The Things We Could Do

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"Dan! Would you come downstairs there is someone special here to see you!" Dan's mum shouted.

"Alright, I'm coming!" Dan shouted back.

He slumped down the stairs, and into the livingroom where he heard his mums voice coming from. "What do-" he pauses mid-sentence as he locks eyes with the most beautiful man he's ever seen.

The blue-eyed hottie smiles. "Hello, Dan. I've missed you."

Dan runs towards Phil tackling him with a hug, "I've missed you so much, Philly. You're back, you're back, you're back!" Dan exclaims happily.

He wasn't expecting Phil yet so this was a complete surprise. Phil had his glasses on, and he looked really good. Dan wanted him really badly, but he knows he shouldn't. Damn teengage hormones.

Dan's mum Amelia smiles at them as they just stand, and hug for far too long. Oh, how wonderfully, and beautifully gay they are, she thinks.

"Guess what, Dan?" Phil says finally letting go of his best friend.

"What?" Dan says.

"You're staying at my new apartment with me this summer! We can catch up, and hang out everyday!" Phil says.

Dan's mouth hangs wide open. Alone with Phil for the summer sounded like the most fun in the world. Almost Fanfiction convenient. He looks to his mum with the shock obvious on his face. "Wait, I'm staying with Phil for the summer?" He asks.

"Yep. Well, one month of it. His mum, and I agreed it would be nice if you got to spend all of your time with Phil again like you used to. It seemed the whole time he was gone you spent missing him, so you guys can catch up now!" Amelia says happily. She hardcore ships it.

Dan looked at Phil who was smiling widely. "It'll be fun." Phil says. He winks at him making Dan blush.

"I'm going to go get packed." Dan says excitedly. He runs up the stairs his mind going wild. He couldn't wait to get there. Who knew what was going to happen at Phil's.


When they got to Phil's apartment, Dan ran inside immediately making Phil carry all of Dan's things alone. Dan was just really excited to be there. "This place is nice!" He says admiring the kitchen, and furniture.

"Thanks." Phil says. He sounds exasperated from carrying the luggage, but Dan doesn't notice.

"Wow!" the brown haired emo lord says pointing at Phil's television. "It's so huge!"

Dan looks like a child the way he's oohing at everything, and hopping around. He doesn't seem like a 16 year old whatsoever. He's got this smile on his face that takes Phil's breath away. His are eyes are shining with wonder. The smallest things seem to amaze him. It reminds him of when he would take Dan places when he was younger. Phil knows he's just excited to be here, but he finds Dan's admiration very cute.


"Hey!" Phil shouts back. "It's a man cave, mind you!" He wanders into his room where Dan is lying on the colorful duvet staring at the ceiling. He looks so comfortable there.

Phil's flirty nature kicks in before he can stop himself. "Since you like the bed so much I'd be more than happy to share." He says with a smirk.

Dan smiles a cheeky smile, and winks. "I might just take you up on that offer."
Fuck. This is going to be a hard month, Phil thinks.

"Come on, Dan no more messing around. We've got to get your stuff in the guest room so you can be settled in." Phil says.

"But your bed is so comfortable." Dan whines. "It's probably even more comfortable with you in it."

Phil bites his lip. "Dan, you're not like this."

The younger boy smiles. "You were gone for a while, Phil. You don't know what I'm like...yet." Dan says keeping his flirty tone.

"I'd like to think I know you better than anyone, and last I checked you were straight."

Dan laughs. "What if I was gay?"

Phil looks at him with watchful eyes. He takes notice of the way he's stretched out on Phil's bed. He's got the cheekiest smile that shows his dimples, and his eyes are glossed over with an emotion he's never seen on him before. Dan bites his lip, but the playful smile doesn't leave his face as he waits for Phil's answer. He finds it very sexy. Dan is just undeniably hot.

"I'd fuck you." Phil says outright.

He then leaves Dan on the bed with his mouth wide open. He is in absolute shock of the answer, and doesn't know how to respond. All he does know is that he wouldn't mind if Phil did.

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