15|I Like It So Much Better When It's Just Me and You

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"Dan, get up." A soft voice says shaking Dan's body gently.

Dan opens his eyes to see bright blue ones staring back at him. It makes him smile into his pillow.

"Finally, you sleepy head we are having guests over." Phil says.

Dan groans very audibly, and smirks at Phil. "But I like it so much better when it's just me and you."

Phil rolls his eyes. He tries everything to pretend the comment doesn't effect him. "It's you and I." Phil corrects annoyingly.

"You're such a dick." Dan responds tiredly whacking Phil with his pillow.

Phil laughs, and throws the pillow on the floor. "Come on, Dan. It's Chris and Pj visiting! You love Chris and Pj."

"I haven't seen them since I was 15."

"That was a only a year ago. Don't you remember that trip we all took to America? We got to experience our first official Fourth of July."

Dan does remember. It was the greatest thing ever, but it was no time to be nostalgic about that now. "Yeah, I remember." Dan says with a longing smile.

"They are pretty much just as crazy, and stupid as you remember to be from that trip. They haven't matured a bit." Phil says. "So, get ready so we can all hang out."

Dan sighs, but nods. "Fine. Whatever you say, sir."

Phil smiles, and ruffles Dan's hobbit hair. "That's the spirit, Danny Boy." He then leaves him on the bed to miss Phil's presence.

Dan takes a shower, and throws on his clothes. He straightens his hair quickly after brushing his teeth. He really hopes Chris and Pj haven't changed. Last he saw them they were snogging under the fireworks balls out drunk, but that story is for later time, babe.

He heard the doorbell ring, and footsteps rushing to the door. Dan immediately hops up suddenly very excited to see them again.
He runs to the lounge where he sees Chris and Pj taking turns hugging Phil.

Chris is the first to notice Dan, and he almost attacks him in a hug. "Dan! The baby boy of our fantastic foursome is here!" He shouts. He ruffles Dan's hair as Phil had did that morning.

"I'm not a baby anymore." Dan pouts, which really didn't help his case.

"Of course you are! Look at your cute wittle face. You're probably still a virgin as well." Chris says trying to pinch Dan's cheeks.

"Hey!" Dan shouts swatting Chris's hands away from his 'cute wittle face'.

Chris smirks again. "Oh, there ain't nothing wrong with being a virgin. Just ask Pj."

"Hey!" Pj shouts like Dan. Chris and Phil laugh. They all head into the living room with smiles. Dan and Pj exchange a greeting hug before sitting down on opposite couches.

"So, what have you guys been up to?" Phil asks Chris and Pj. Pj answers first.

"I've got a new girlfriend!" He says excitedly. "Her name is Darla."

Chris rolls his eyes with so much annoyance Dan can feel it radiating off of him. "Yes, Pj does have a new girlfriend, and she is an absolute bitch." Chris says with a sarcastic smile.

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