36|Favorite Ending

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"Please, tell me that this isn't the end, Phil."

"I'm sorry, but I think that we've made it."

"Are you going to tell her?"

"No, I think you should."

"She's not going to take this well."

"That's why you're going to be the one to do it."

"But she'll cry."

"Let her be a little bitch."

"Okay fine," Dan opens the door into painful reality and smiles at the weird looking girl in front of him.

"Hey, Author?" He asks.

She turns from her smutty phanfiction and smiles at him, "What?"

Dan twiddled his fingers nervously, "Um, I think that we're at the end of... the story."

The author looked up at him as tears immediately welled in her eyes, "What do you mean, end?"

"Please don't cry Author, sometimes endings have to happen. Luckily, it seems we got that happy ending that you wanted, and the fourth wall has been demolished as you pleased, and all of your ships are intact."

The author started to sob uncontrollably, "But I love this story so much!"

Phil then popped out from the door, having heard crying. His dad instincts kick in as he rushed to the authors side.

"There, there, Author it will be alright," he comforts, "You'll still have your other stories, and your fantastic readers."

The author sniffles, "I know, but 'Boys Your Age' has such a special place in my heart."

Dan and Phil smile at each other, and Dan leans down to pat her on the back, "Look, if you want you can write us a nice wedding, or something. Or maybe even a tiny epilogue of domestic life."

The author shakes her head, "No, no. I think we end here. It hurts to much."

Phil nods, "Are you sure that you'll be okay?"

"No," The author mumbles.

"Hey, at least me and Phil will be happy!" Dan says.

Phil hits him in the arm.

"Ouch, what was that for!" Dan shouts.

"You sound like a dick," Phil laughed.


"It's okay," says the author, "You are what you eat."

Phil laughs, and Dan shakes his head, "Fuck, true."

There is a bit of silence.

"So, I guess this is goodbye?" Phil says.

The author nods, but she wants to die, "Yeah this is....goodbye, babes."

They give each other one last hug each before Dan and Phil walk hand in hand out of the door the separates books from the real world.

"Oh, God that was weird," Dan says.

"I guess no more unnecessary angst, and random fourth wall breaks," Phil replies.

"Shame, I was looking forward to getting my heart broken."

"Yep, really going to miss her...kind of not really."

"You know she can hear you right?" Dan says.

"Let her listen," Phil mumbled.

"Hey, how about we go home and play video games? I've been dying to do something with you all day."

"And video games count as doing something?"


Phil laughs, and smiles down at Dan with his blue eyes shining, "Yeah, Okay."

Dan kisses him with a bright smile also on his lips. He feels content.

"I think blue is my favorite color," Dan mumbles into the kiss.


And yes I'm still crying

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