22|The Whole World Shook

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Dan didn't like her.


She had dark hair that only went to her shoulders, and even darker eyes. She had a nice body, and perfect teeth to match her perfect life. She was pretty yeah, but she was annoying.

So far, she'd managed to insult Dan three times, and not get slapped upside the face. She was one of those people where insults flowed last their lips like water. They became natural to her personality, and she was a total bitch.

Examples from the past two hours:

"Dan, you've been eating the whole time I've been here! You're such a pig!"

"You act so gay."

"You've never been in a relationship? Not a surprise. How do you expect to get a girlfriend dressed like an emo loser?"

Dan was so ready to fight her. She hadn't insulted Phil once yet, but she seemed to attack Dan with insults. Pj had it worse.

Another example of her bitchyness, but to Pj this time:

"Pj, your hair is a mess today you look like a hobo. I can't believe I let you leave the house!"

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm even dating you when you eat like that."

"Shut up. You talk too much."

Dan saw why Chris despised her. She was a bitch ass annoying homophobic ass fat shaming rude ass demon hoe bitch ass motherfucker. To put it politely.

Dan was zoning out as she told one of her many boring stories about her boring job. Pj had obviously heard it before, but he pretended to be interested. Both of them were wishing she would just morph into Chris, and they could hang out with him instead. That's when Phil walked in like a hero from the kitchen.

"I made some cookies!" Phil said excitedly. He held them out for them all to take one. Dan took three, and Phil shot him a "Really, Dan?" look, but Dan smiled innocently, and shoved one of his cookies in his mouth unashamed.

Darla took one, and Pj reached for one, but Darla grabbed his wrist. "Pj, sweetie, we talked about you watching your weight." She said smiling "gently". It was fake, Dan could tell. She'd been doing this all day. Pj hasn't touched any food do to her. Dan wanted to smack her across her fake tanned face.

Pj frowned. "It's only a cookie." He said.

"Pj you're starting to get fat. I can see it in your tummy. One cookie makes a difference." She said taking a bite of her own cookie.

Pj nodded looking down at the floor. He looked hurt. He felt hurt. Was he really fat? Chris tells me I'm perfect.

"Okay, babe." He replies quietly.

She smiles as if proud, and holds his hand. Though, he doesn't seem very into it.

Dan was sitting on the couch in the middle of chewing, but he had completely stopped smiling as he heard this conversation. He was one more insult away from dragging this bitch out the door by her hair. Did she call Pj fat? Oh, if Chris were here...

Phil set down the cookies on the coffee table awkwardly. "Well, Peej if you change your mind they're right here." He smiled, but Dan could tell it was forced.

"Trust me, he won't be changing his mind." Darla said. Pj looks down at the floor. Darla immediately started talking again, failing to notice his sadness.

"God, this place is nice." Darla said. "What do you do for a living, Phil?"

"Oh, well I kind of...I make YouTube videos."

Darla flashed him a look of disgust. "You're one of those annoying college drop-outs that get rich off of kids?"

Phil shook his head trying to remain calm. "I mean, people of different ages watch my videos, and they're generally very sweet, and nice. Yeah, they helped me make a career out of it, but I don't really like to think of it that way."

Darla rolls her eyes. "You internet people sit in front of a camera, and get paid for it. It's ridiculous. You are all money grabbing, attention seeking, children. You probably don't even care about your fans. YouTube isn't even a real job." She said in a snobby tone.

Phil looked down feeling stupid. Pj looked down again as well. He felt guilty for having brought Darla here. He thought she'd like Phil, but she was treating him like crap, and he didn't know what to do.

Dan, on the other hand, had snapped. She could insult him all she wanted, but Phil? He didn't like the way she talked to Phil. Phil was an angel, and he appreciated his fans, and he loved what he did, and she was putting down the choices he made that made him happy like a bad parent. The way she degraded him made Dan angry.

"That's it! Don't you ever insult Phil, or Pj again. I swear I should have fucking slapped you when you insulted Pj the first time! Now I'm really mad, and I can't fucking take you! Phil's job is none of your damn business. He wasn't a fucking college drop out! Phil is smart, and he isn't a quitter. Excuse me, but YouTube is something Phil is very passionate about. He works very hard, and loves his viewers with all of his heart. He isn't just in it for the money. He's in love with the fanbase he has started and grown with, and until you fucking educate yourself on his life I don't want to fucking hear you talk to him like that-like you actually know a damn thing about him- AGAIN!" Dan shouted.

Darla was shook.
Pj was shook.
Phil was shook.
I was shook.
The readers were shook.
God was shook.
Satan was shook.
Josh Dun was shook.

"I can't believe you just talked to me that way!" Darla said fuming. "You're just a kid you have no right to treat me that way!"

"I have every fucking right to defend a person I love. Fuck you!" Dan shouted right back.

Darla grabbed her chest dramatically. She was steaming. "Come on Pj we are leaving. There is no respect for me here." She said grabbing his wrist.

"Damn right!" Dan said watching her stomp away.

Pj is shaken out of his shookness as she drags him out of the door. "I'm sorry." Pj says as she pulls him way. Pj shuts the door behind him.

Phil is staring at Dan with his mouth hanging wide open. Dan feels as if he is going to explode.

He looks Phil dead in the eye. "Don't you ever invite her back into this house again, or I'll fucking cut her. I'm not even kidding." Dan says.

Phil shakes his head amusedly, and takes a deep inward breath. "Oh, I belive you."

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