New beginning

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It takes three years, but I can finally think of my pack without having a mental breakdown. I laid low for three years until I turned 18 so I wouldn't be taken to a foster home. Now I am an adult and I can explore the world. I walk to the park and watch all the families stroll by me, enjoying each other's company. I long for my family, but nothing can bring them back.

I sit on the side of the fountain and gently touch the water with my fingers. The cool liquid gently encases my fingers. I tilt my chin up to the sun, feeling the sun kiss my cheeks, I smile. I wish every day was this good. The warmth makes me feel happy and peaceful.
Though still very cold outside I still feel the warmth of the sun which never goes away. I close my eyes and remember my family, my pack. Though the memories may fade, like the sun, it will never go away. The wind blows through my long hair and makes it fly in my face. The feeling makes me feel free. and for that moment everything was peaceful.

the moment ended when someone sits beside me on the fountain. I keep my eyes closed, not wanting the peace to end but I feel their stare burning through my skull. Five minutes! I can't have five minutes to myself?! My anger flares up and my whole body goes rigid.

"are you just going to burn a hole in my head or are you gonna get what you wanna say out?" I spit out venomously.

Then I smell it, the exact same smell I smelt before Ty died. Blood and ash. I feel like time froze at that moment as the smell encases my nose. I try to calm myself, clenching and unclenching my jaw quickly. Maybe it's just a rogue that came from the blood moon pack. Maybe it doesn't mean any harm. Then I suddenly smell more of them and fear shoots up my spine. growling, I ball my fists up, trying to keep my wolf under control.

They were smart coming to me in the open, knowing I can't shift in front of humans. I whip around so see my brother's killer. I see a pale woman with jet black hair and blood colored eyes. I flinch at her eyes, her blood colored eyes, that are filled with a lust for death. I growl and I feel my wolf clawing for control.

"What do you want?" I snarl, trying not to lunge at her.

Her eyes look me over then she stands up. Her canines emerge and she flashes a toothy grin. Kinda creepy...

"I found her." She says quietly.

I start to panic as I see people emerging from different parts of the park. Through the humans, I see one eye color in particular stand out among the crowd of people. Red. The woman circles me, swaying her hips in the process. I can sense her anger towards me with her body language, which makes me want to rip her throat out.

"So you're the one who got 'away'." It wasn't a question, it was a fact.

I give her a questioning look when she emphasized 'away'. She rolls her eyes and scoffs. My eyes flash yellow with anger but I quickly change them back to their usual brown.

"I'll ask you again, what do you want?" I snarl.

She tilts her head and smirks. Her eyes filled with amusement, she gasps and puts her hand on her mouth.

"You haven't felt him yet have you?" She still has a smirk plastered on her face, which makes me want to rip her lips off.

Though I'm mad, I must've looked confused because she laughs and places her hands on her hips.

"Your mate has been waiting for you to come of age and now that you are, we have to bring you to him. I'm surprised you haven't felt your mate's presence yet. Well I'm actually not. Stupid wolves usually can't feel their mates presence." I slightly growl at her comment but can't keep it up as thoughts of my mate consume my mind.

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