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I hiss in pain and hold my stomach. Stupid Braxton Hicks! I had Finn check me out to make sure I wasn't in real labor but he said it was just Braxton hicks. Ugh... Can't i have a normal pregnancy? I sit on the sofa until they pass then waddle over to the refrigerator. Pickles...pickles...pickles...where are the pickles? I shuffle through the stocked fridge that Kayden filled with my favorite foods. After practically destroying the fridge, I find my pickles!!! I twist the top but it won't budge...No! No! This can't be happening! I need my pickles!
What do I do? I can't bother Kayden with this! Should I? No!

Well this is an emergency...why the heck not?

My eyes glaze over while I mind link Kayden.

'Kayden! I have an emergency!'

'What's wrong? Is the baby coming?!' He sounds beyond worried.

I roll my eyes and sigh...men

'Even worse!! I can't open the pickle jar! I need my pickles Kayden!' I scream through the mind link.

He was silent.

'You called me because you couldn't open a pickle jar...' He sounds a little annoyed.

'Kayden! This is serious! I need the pickles right now!' I yell through the mind link.

'Tara, you've gone through three pickle jars this morning. Don't you think you should lay off the pickles for a while?'

Did he just call me fat?! He just called me fat!

'Are you calling me fat?! Your calling me fat aren't you?! I can't believe my own mate hates me because I ate three jars of pickles! You're gonna reject me again aren't you? Your gonna find a prettier girl and leave me aren't you? You are! I'm gonna be rejected again! I can't take another rejection! But you don't care do you? You're just gonna leave your mate because you think I'm fat!' I sob.

What? I can't help that I'm a hormonal pregnant woman.

'Tara, you know I didn't mean it like that. You're the most beautiful woman in the world! How could I ever leave you?'

'So now your just staying with me because I'm pretty?! You don't like my personality? You don't love me? You just love me body?!' I cry.

'That's not what I...ugh...will it make you fell better if I come back and open your pickle jar?'

I instantly perk up at the sound of pickles. I smile and nod. Then I remember that he can't see me.

'Yes.' I whimper.

'I'll be there in five minutes. Love you.'

'Love you too.'


I waddle to the sofa with the pickle jar in hand. I flop down on the soft cushions and sigh. I'm so freakin moody. I feel sorry for Kayden. I stare at the pickles as they float around in sour goodness. He's taking forever! It's been like...oh...its been thirty seconds. Never Mind.

I sit there staring at my beautiful pickles when I hear the door open. The familiar scent of honeysuckles and rain hits my nose and I instantly relax. Kayden... I feel him place a hand in my shoulder from behind and sparks shoot through my body. He bend down and kisses my mark he gave me on my neck. I shiver and my breath hitches in my throat.

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