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"I can't live like this forever!! I have to go back!!!" I scream at Kayden.

"You're not going back, Tara!! They will kill you and maybe even Amberley if they find out about her!! I can't bare losing you again!! I can't!" Kayden screams back.

We've been at it for an hour straight. Finn and Anthony took Amberley out of the house to she wouldn't wake up. I can't live like a fugitive forever. I have to go back and try to clear my name. I want meant to be a rogue.

I cross my arms and glare at him. He clenches his fists at my action and growl.

"You're not going and that's final!" He growls.

I step forward and get in his face.

"It's not your choice." I sneer.

"I am your alpha and you will do as I say!" He commands in his alpha voice.

Did he just try to command me?! Doesn't he know it doesn't work on a Luna? I stare at him wide-eyed, shocked that he actually tried commanding me. I step back and growl. I can't believe my mate is forcing me into something I don't want to do!!

I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes but I will not let them fall. I clench my fists and bolt out the door with anger radiating off of me. I run passed Finn and Anthony who were staring at me with worried looks on their face. Once I'm out of sight of the cabin, I shift into my white wolf and dart through the trees.

He can't stop me.

I race toward the pack territory with anger practically spilling off of me. I don't know what I'll do when I get there but I do know I get there one way or another. I hear a howl in the distance and know that it's Kayden.


I instantly block him out and run faster. He's not gonna stop me! I run until I smell the Blood Moon territory just a few miles away. I hesitate for a minute but keep going. Once I pass the border I hear a powerful howl.

Jerk face!

Sure he's bloodthirsty and fairly rude, but he was the only person who would talk to me so that earns him some points. I howl back then I hear him mind link me.

'Tara? What are you doing here? Where's the alpha?'

'I'm here to clear my name jerk face!Oh, and Kayden is right behind me.'

'That didn't sound good...'

'Yeah...he's madder than a hippo with a hernia!'

'How many times did you watch lion king as a child?'

'I should be asking you that! You're the one who recognized it!'

'You're the one that said it!'

I chuckle and relax a bit. Jerk face can always make me laugh.

'I'll be there in five.'

'And when will the alpha be here?'

'Longer than five?'

'Uh huh...'

I see the pack house in the distance and I go straight for it. I jump through an open window on the second floor and find Jerk face waiting for me. He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest. I mentally roll my eyes and shift back into human form. I curl up in a ball and give him an annoyed look.

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