I love you

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I wake up with a massive headache. Feels like a hangover times ten... I look around in the dark room. I realize I'm in an unfamiliar bed. Where am I? Oh, right...Kayden's secret cabin. I begin to get up but I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my stomach. oh crap. I whimper in pain and I start to panic then a door(I didn't know was there) flies open. Through blurry eyes I see Daniel.He  rushes to me and grabs my shoulders.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He says frantically.

Tears are running down my cheeks and I shake me head. Another wave of pain hits me and it makes me double over. Something's wrong!


"What is it? What's wrong? Tell me what to do!" He looks even more scared than I am right now.

"It hurts! My stomac-ahh! Something is wrong!" I cry out.

Just then, I hear the door open. An intoxicating scent hits my nose and some of the pain goes away. But not most of it.

"Kayden! Get in here! Hurry!" Daniel yells.

I hear heavy footsteps running to my room. Kayden burst into the room and runs to me. He grabs my face and looks at me.

"Whats wrong?!" He asks, sounding just as scared as Daniel.

I tremendous amount of pain hits me once more and I let out a blood curdling scream.

"Something's wrong-ahhh! With the baby!" I get out.

Kayden holds me while I'm doubled over. If he wasn't holding me, I would be on the floor. What would I do without him? I scream in pain and dig my nails into Kayden's arm.

His head snaps to Daniel,"call Finn! Now!" He yells.

Who's Finn?

"Ahh! Kayden, please help me!" I beg.

I know he can't do anything but I can't help but try to find help somewhere. He kisses the top of my head and picks me up. He rocks me back and forth, trying to comfort me.

"Help will be here soon, Sweetie." He whispers in my ear.

Another wave of pain smacks me and I scream into Kayden's shirt. I then feel something wet between my legs. Oh no... I look down to see my now very red stained pants dripping with blood. My breathing becomes erratic as I stare at my bloody pants.

"Kayden! I'm bleeding!" I cry.

He looks down and his eyes widen. I can hear his heart beat quicken. His grip tightens even more on my and I squirm when it begins to get painful. He notices and loosen his deadly grip. I yell out in pain and my claws start to come out. No...no...I can't shift! Not while I'm pregnant! Kayden feels my claws digging into him and starts to panic; he knows I can't shift while pregnant because it could kill me and the baby.

"Daniel! Where is Finn?! She needs him now!" He yells in his alpha tone.

I manage to calm my wolf down enough for my claws to go back under my fingernails. I sigh in relief but the relief is soon replaced with tremendous pain. I muffle my agonizing screams with Kayden's shirt.

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