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I watch as Kayden stumbles out of the room and slams the door. I'm starting to regret my decision now. My wolf whines. She hates what I did. I feel a waterfall of tears fall down my face as I curl up on the ground and sob.

I thought he loved me. I thought he would always be there for me. I thought,I thought,I thought! Well, I thought wrong!

Since I have nothing to hide, I guess I'm going to inform Anthony. That is the only thing that's keeping me from jumping back into the creek. I dash to his room and burst inside. What I see next makes my world spin.

"Jules?" I see Jules and Anthony. Let me repeat that, Jules and Anthony! making out on the bed. My eyes grow wide and I begin to shut the door but I need to know what's going on.

"Luna!" Jules yells.

She never says that. What's going on? Well, I know what going on but I don't know exactly why.

"What's going on?" I say as my cheeks grow redder.

Jules straighten her clothes and runs her fingers through her hair. I see a smile creep up on her face then she launches herself towards me. She engulfs me in a warm hug.

"Tara! The most wonderful thing has happened!! I found my mate!!" She squeals with excitement.

I freeze in place and stare at Anthony. He smirks at me and crosses his arms. He's gonna regret that. I pull away from Jules and try to give her a genuine smile.

"That's amazing Jules!! I'm so happy for you!" I squeal 'happily'.

I look at Anthony and then back to Jules. I smile and place my hand on her shoulder.

"Do you mind if I borrow your mate for a moment? Kayden needed me to inform him on some things." I lie.

She happily nods then leaves the room. I face Anthony and take a step toward him.

"Tara-" Anthony starts but I hold my hand up.

I'm gonna speak first.

"You have nothing to hold over me now Anthony. I had to tell Kayden! Now me, and your unborn child are gonna die!"I yell/whisper.

My hand clamps over my mouth. I didn't mean to say the last part. Stupid! I mentally slap myself. I watch Anthony's mouth drop open and his eyes grow wide.

"What did you say?" He choked out.

My head falls and I cross my arms. I can't believe I told him that. I told him I am carrying his child right after he found his mate. I am such a mood killer...

I look up through blurry eyes and I give him a pathetic looking smile.

"I'm pregnant." I choke out.

Anthony stumbles back as though someone punched him. He stares at my stomach for a moment until we hear a loud banging on a door. The office.

I have to give myself up. I have to.if I don't they'll just find me. Might as well get it over with quickly.

I stride towards the door but right as I'm about to open it, Anthony grabs me by the waist and pulls me back. My head snaps around and I glare at him. He glares right back and pulls me to the window.

"Is it true? Are you really pregnant with my kid?" He whispers.

I nod slowly and stupidly stare at him. He sighs then opens the window.

" I'm not going to let you get our kid killed. I am going to get you outta here. Come on." He tugs at me and I reluctantly follow.

He leads me to the forest then suddenly stops. He growls and steps in front of me protectively. I cling to his shirt and scan the area for danger. I then see him....

Loving My Murderous MateWhere stories live. Discover now