Chapter 19

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I wake up to numb legs. They are folded underneath me and the pressure of the last hours has made all the feeling in them go away. I groan quietly, trying to stand up, when a small bit of resistance holds me back. Sam's hand is still lightly holding mine and I can't help but smile when thinking about the conversation we had.

As gently as I can I pull my hand away and, after making sure he's still fast sleep, I try to stand up. It is quite wobbly and the whole way to the kitchen I feel the awkward tingles everywhere. Still groaning, I actually get to work with making breakfast.

It's still quite early and a weekend, so I know neither mum nor Zach will actually be down in the next few hours. So I make a mountain of pancakes and shove them in the oven to keep warm. Next I chop some fruit just to keep me busy, hoping that anyone will actually eat them instead of the seemingly ever so popular Nutella.

Just when I'm starting to get bored with reading random recipes in cooking books after chopping everything, Sam comes through the door. Still half hidden behind the door frame, he takes a good look around before actually stepping into the room.

He looks me dead in the eyes with no visible emotion on his face when he says: 'Good morning.'

It is actually the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. When I can't stop the smile that once again takes over my features because of him, he just looks at me curiously, tiling his head in the process.

I laugh at that and just tell him to sit down.

'I hope you like pancakes, cuz I made a lot. Fruit or Nutella?' I ask, while preparing a plate for him. I'm usually not one to serve at home, but Sam's the exception.

'Both' is the short answer I get and again, it just makes me laugh. He's adorable once you get past being offended by his one-word answers.

'There you go. Knock yourself out.' I say when I present the plate to him. If I do say so myself, it actually looks really nice. I make myself an identical plate with fruit piled up high and lots of Nutella on top.

We eat together in silence, but he is much faster than me because he started earlier. Halfway through my pancakes he's already finished his and I stand up to get us some water.

When I come back, two of my remaining pancakes are gone and he is happily chewing away.

'You didn't.' I just say, and playfully aggressive ruffle his hair.

He doesn't react the way I wanted him to, doesn't even make a sound, but instead looks at me with an annoyed look in his eyes and just swats at my hand.

'When did you two become best buddies?'

My head snaps up at his voice and my eyes immediately find his. Raph mouths a silent 'good morning' my way before taking a seat next to Sam.

'So?' he asks him, one eyebrow lifted as he waits for his brother's answer.

They look at each other for a long time, neither of them saying anything, before Raph lets out a frustrated sigh.

'Alright, I get it, you don't want to tell me.'

I chuckle and wink to Sam.

'It's our little secret, that's why.' I can see a hint of a smile on his face as he only nods once before going back to eating my breakfast.

'They're in the oven, go get a plate and have some food.' I tell Raph.

When he walks past me to get to the oven, he lets his hand brush mine as a promise for later. However, it doesn't even take me a second to grab his arm, drag him to me and kiss him right on the lips. It's a short kiss and completely innocent, but the shock on his face almost makes me laugh.

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