Chapter 37

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Since joining the pack a week or so ago, Raph and I got a lot more free time. I have to run a lot less patrols and Raph actually gets to run less training sessions and spend less time looking after the pups. What we soon realised though, is that it's hard to fill all of these hours doing anything other than sleep with each other. We never had the kind of time with each other that we do now, nor were we ever this horny. It's almost weird. Almost. If it weren't for the fact that we just had our mating.

Still, it's weird being so integrated in the pack now. We eat with the rest of the pack a lot now, hang out in the pack house a lot more often, even made some more friends with wolves we haven't previously known well. When we were asked to move into the pack house or at least move closer to it, we refused. We like our little home and it's become a sort of safe haven for both of us. It's a space that allows us to let go of the day and just ... be home.

Yo lover boy, come pick your mate up, he's fucking scaring the pups with his loud ass snoring.

The annoyed voice in my head makes me jump up slightly. I still haven't gotten used to being able to communicate mentally again. Even though it's only three people, Raph and my two alphas, it still feels incredibly intruding.

On my way.

I'm already out the house. I got back from patrol about an hour ago and have been waiting for Raph to come back ever since. It's crazy how much more my day revolves around him now compared to before the mating. It's almost as if both of us slightly changed. Raph is a lot more needy and cuddly, a lot more wilful too, which, to be honest, is incredibly cute, and very different from how I first got to know him. I feel a lot more protective of him. Right now, I feel as if my heart is pumping out of my chest in fear of something having happened to him, when really there's no way Randy would have so casually called me if there had.

I get to the nursery in record time and Randy isn't even there. Probably ran off to go and harass other members of the pack. I smile. It does feel good to be part of something again, part of a pack.

'Mister Donovan?' I look down to find a pair of round teary eyes looking at me. I swallow. I'm weak to little kid eyes. I nod for him to continue.

'Mister Raphael won't play with me because he's too busy sleeping.' He looks about ready to start wailing about it and I can just about imagine fat tears running down his already reddening cheeks and all I want to do is give him everything he wants just so he's a happy little pup again. I clear my throat.

Before I can even come up with a sensible answer, the kid is tucked back, his eyes widening even more while he's trying to find his balance again.

'Don't be a baby. He's tired, so he's sleeping. Leave him. We don't need him, we're old enough to get by ourselves.' With those words Elif drags the boy after her, disappearing behind a corner, but not without sending me a cheeky wink over her shoulder. I shake my head looking after her. Sometimes this child really reminds me of Mary and almost immediately when thinking about her a little pang hits my chest. Since settling down here, I always regretted not taking her advances for what they were and truly building a friendship with her. In hindsight, she was a great friend, even for the short time I let her.

A low groan pulls me from my thoughts and makes me enter the room down the hall. I find my mate sat in an armchair, half hanging over its side in a clearly uncomfortable position and I can't help but chuckle. I stood there for a bit, just watching his chest rise and fall under his lose shirt. When he moans again, clearly from not being comfortable enough, I go over and kiss him lightly, to wake him up. It takes a while, but then his eyelids start to flatter and I'm staring at his eyes.

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