Rah Was Short For Rashawn

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I woke up with my alarm blasting. I turned it off and got out of bed. I walked to my brothers room and woke him up.

"Yo Aaron get up. You gotta get ready for basketball camp." I said.

I decided to sign him up for camp because I didn't want him out in the streets this summer. I made him sign up for basketball camp cause I know it's something he would enjoy. I went to my bathroom took a shower and brushed my teeth. When I was done I threw on a white tank top and some denim ripped jeans with my sneakers. I went back to my brothers room and saw him wearing some sweatpants and white shirt he had his bookbag on and he looked ready to go.

"Come on we can eat some cereal and then I'll drop you off." I said walking down the steps.

We went downstairs and ate some cereal. It was quite in the house meaning my mother was out knocked out in the room from whatever she did the night before.

"Come on let's go." I said.

We left the house and started to walk towards his school where the camp was being held. One of the old guys name Lucky that use to know my father saw me and called us over.

"Ayo little Kennedy. Where you heading to?" He asked.

Most of the time it's the old guys that knew my father are the ones that called me Kennedy. Lucky was a cool guy always looked out for us and wanted the best.

"I'm just gonna go drop my brother off to basketball camp and then head off to work after." I replied.

"Oh the little one is the future Jordan huh?" He said looking at my brother. "Well here take this that way when you make it to the big leagues you can't say I never gave you anything." He said handing my brother 20 dollars.

"Nah I cant take this man. The future ain't guaranteed." Aaron said.

"You know you just like your father."  I rolled my eyes when he said that.

Never should anyone be compared to my father. It's bad enough I look like him but don't say my brother is just like him.

"Just take it man think of it as a early Christmas present." Lucky said.

Aaron took the money. "Thanks Lucky." He said giving Lucky a dap.

We continued walking towards the school until we finally reached.

"Ayo listen I suggest you take the $20 and save it till after camp when we heading home. I'll take you to the store and let you get something to eat cause I don't know if I'm a cook tonight okay?" I said.

He nodded his head yes.

"Ight and please behave yourself because for some reason you always getting your ass in trouble." He rolled his eyes and I slapped the back of his head.

"I'm serious. Don't do no dumb shit. But most importantly have fun and play your heart out ight?" I asked putting my hand out for him to high five. He slapped it and gave me a hug.

"Later Molly." He said walking in to the school.

I made sure he went in and made my way to the barbershop. When I finally reached I was greeted by the workers in the shop.

"Hey well if it isn't my favorite female worker." Bobo said.

Bobo was the boss around here. He's the one that gave me the job and taught me how to cut hair. He runs shit around the barbershop and made sure everything was going well.

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