The Boy With The Cold

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2 week later. Molly's POV

I woke up in the morning and headed over to the barbershop. Aaron has been walking himself to and from camp and has been going to different basketball games. I still work at the barbershop even though I'm doing this drug thing cause you find out a lot of shit in that shop.

I was cutting someone's hair when Rah walked in to the shop. Ever since he kissed me you would think we've gotten closer...NOT. We still argue with each other one second and then the next we are having a heart to heart conversation.

"Wassup ugly." Rah said walking towards me.

I glared at him and went back to cutting this guy's hair.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I wanted you to come over to talk after work. I ain't got shit to really do so I said why not invite yo ugly ass." Rah said.

I brushed the guy off, he paid me, and I turned towards Rah.

"I can't. Aaron got a basketball game at his school today and I wanna see it." I said going to sit in my chair. He pushed me out the way and sat in it.

I looked at him getting ready to curse him out until he said something.

"I need a shape up." I rolled my eyes and got to work and he continued talking.

"Come on just blow off the game and come over." He said.

"I can't. This is the first game Aaron's playing in that's in the neighborhood. All those other games were out." I said.

He rolled his eyes and huffed.

Spoiled brat.

He hated when people told him no. If I was some random nigga and I told him no he would probably threaten to kill me. I finished cutting his hair and he continued with the attitude and paid me.

He left and I went on break meeting up with Dana. She and Quan finally made it official so she was now the princess to the Puerto Rican prince. A lot of bitches been giving her dirty looks but I told her I got her back just in case shit went down.

"You coming to Aaron's game right?" I asked

"Of course. Me and Quan will be out there screaming and shit." She replied.

We started laughing.

"You herd any spicy shit in the beauty salon?" I asked her.

"No. You?" She said.

"Nothing really I did get a name tho. There's this guy name Ant he's the biggest drug lord in the city. I was thinking what if we try to take him out." I said.

Dana looked at me as if I was crazy.

"TAKE HIM OUT. Molly the biggest drug lord in the city and you wanna take him out?" She said.

"Okay look I was just thinking about it but what if we did. I could have enough money to just move out the fucking state and start over with Aaron." I said.

"It's risky but it's not like it can't work. We would still have to go over the idea with the boys." She said.

I nodded my head. "Like I said it was just an idea. I'm not to sure about it myself. I was just thinking." I replied.

We sat in silence till a group of females walked up to me and Dana. The park was empty so it was just us and the females.

"Can we help y'all?" Dana asked.

"Yea y'all that bitches that be hanging with Rah and Quan right?" One of them said.

"That depends on who wants to know." I replied.

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