Just One More Month

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1 Month Later Molly's POV

Rah still hasn't visited me yet. Like I saw everyone from the gang even my uncle Lucky stopped by but not Rah. I know he's business out there but it would mean a lot if he actually were you to stop trapping and see his girlfriend. But I still talk to him on the floor from time to time so that's good.

Dana is out here showing more every single day and she has that pregnancy glow every is always talking about. She told me how Quan is smothering her and how Gunz is cashing out on the babies and they not even born yet.

As for Aaron he's doing well in school and was able to balance playing basketball, schoolwork, and being a leader for the Travis Program I herd about. I just hope it doesn't get too overwhelming because at the end of the day he's still a 12year old boy.

I was chilling in my cell with Jada when one of the security guards said I had mail. I barely ever get mail because everyone usually comes and visit me or call. The only person I get letters from is my father so that he sees how I'm doing.

"Who's the mail from? Your father?" She asked.

"Nah this time it's from the college that I'm supposed to be attending." I said.

"Ooo read out loud." She said.

"We have been told that you are arrested and would like to take back our acceptance and your spot because it would not be a good look for the school. We are a very serious school and wouldn't like to have ex-convinces running around causing a bad name for our school. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I said.

"Oh I'm so sorry Molly." Jada said.

I shook my head. "It's okay, I'm use to disappointment and being let down like that so it's cool." I said trying to hold back the tears.

But I couldn't. I spent so much money for college, I started to trap only because I wanted enough money for it and now look where it got me. How could I get a legal job? I mean I wouldn't need it but what type of example would I be setting for Aaron.

Jada came over and gave me a hug to comfort me. "I needed call Rah." I said.

She nodded her head and let me go.

Rah's POV

I got the call from Molly and she sounded so devastated. I knew how much college meant to her and I bet you it was one of those sneaky ass bitch from the hood that told the college about Molly being locked up.

I've been fucking this Vanessa girl every chance that I get and I can't control it. Gunz wasn't lying when he said these females have a certain power over us when they do certain things.

Like I think about Molly all the time. But when Vanessa is around and we fuck I forget about her and then when she leaves I think about Molly.

I ain't even get a chance to visit Molly because I'm too business getting in to Vanessa's pants.

I'm such a bad boyfriend.

I'm not gonna tell Molly about me and Vanessa because I know for a fact that Molly would kill the both of us....literally. I'm a try and visit my shorty as soon as possible tho.

Dana's POV

I'm miss Molly so much. I miss our girl talk and our gossiping and it's sad that we only get to do it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

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