I Love You Molly

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I woke up early today cause I was gonna see my father. I didn't tell anyone cause I just wanted it to be me and him. I wanted to talk with him and vibe with and get to know him more. I hopped in my car and drove over to the prison and asked for my father. Ever since I got threatened by Ant I've been on high alert. I was walking to the store and someone tried to stab me. Like of course he got two shots in his back but still this shit crazy.

"Wassup Molly." My father said.

"Hi dad." I replied.

I gave him a hug. "What brings you here?" He asked.

I sighed. "It's this whole trapping shit." I said.
Told him our plan to take down Ant and how we stole the cash and now niggas is coming for my head.

He sighed. "Molly this is exactly why I didn't want you doing this shit." He said.

"Well it's sorta to late to back out now." I replied.

"Well what exactly do you want me to help you with?" He asked.

"I just don't know what to do next. I wanna some how get close to him just so I can take him out you know?" I said.

He nodded his head. "Well you know that shit ain't gonna be that easy. But you can have a meeting with him about the cash then take him out from there." He said.

I nodded my head. "I'm a need a lot of guns, vehicles, and niggas for that shit." I said.

"I can make a couple of phone calls and hook you up with a tank and a rocket launcher." He said.

"REALLY?!" I asked.

"Shhhh and I can't get you a tank. But I can get you a rocket launcher." He said.

I grabbed his hand. "Thank you." I said.

"Now I never said your were gonna shoot it." He replied.

I rolled my eyes making him chuckle. "How's that boy Rashawn?" He asked.

I sighed. "He's good. He told me he's in love with me and I didn't say it back cause I'm scared and confused." I replied.

"Molly? Scared? This must be serious. What are you scared of?" He asked.

"Of being hurt again, and I don't know if I love him back you know?" I said. I explained to the shit that happened with Josh and he just shook his head.

"Molly I'm a be real with you. You ain't never gonna trust a nigga ever again after that shit for a long time. If this nigga Rah said he loves you and you trust him then I say go for it. Cause I know I trust him and he wouldn't switch up on you and he'll always have your back." He said.

I sighed and bang my head on the table. "It's so hard for me to accept this cause the only nigga I ever loved was Aaron. My mind is telling me no." I replied.

"Okay but what is your heart saying?" He asked.

"To get this money." I mumbled.

He chuckled. "Are you ever serious Molly?" He asked.

I giggled. "I have my moments." I said.

"Times up." The security guard yelled.

"Later Molly." He said.

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