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I woke up to my alarm screaming at me to wake the fuck up. I was sleeping on the couch with Gunz knocked out on the floor.

"Gunz." I said waking him up.

"Mmh." He replied.

"I'm going to pick up Jada. You wanna come with me?" I asked.

He sighed. "I guess. I'm hurry up and go home. Pick me up from over there." He said getting up.

"Ight bro." I replied.

I went upstairs and hoped in the shower. I brushed my teeth and washed my faced and changed my clothes. I went in to the closet and pulled out the money to bail Jada out.

I noticed that Rah wasn't in the room meaning that he probably stayed out at some bitch crib.

He really can't keep his shit in his pants.

I walked in to Aaron's room and told him I'm helping a friend out and he's got the crib to himself.

I left the crib and drove over to Gunz place. I rang the doorbell and Gunz came over to the door shirtless.

"Give me a minute lemme find a shirt." He said.

I started to admire his tattoos. I knew Gunz was crazy cause who the hell gets a tattoo of a gun on their face.

"Gunz why do they call you Gunz?" I asked.

"Cause hood nigga got a street name. I like guns so I named myself Gunz." He said.

He put his shirt on and we walked out the door and in to the car. "If you wanna know my real name is Romare." He continued.

"That's a cute name for a hood nigga like you." I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever just don't call me that in front of everyone. Not even Rah and Quan knows my real name." He said.

"Well why don't you want people to call you that?" I asked.

"Same reason why Rah doesn't like it when random people call him Rashawn. Our government names reminds us of the life before the trapping. I personally don't want to remember that life style so I don't want anyone to call me that name. My name is Gunz and I kill niggas simple as that." He said.

I decided to leave the topic at that being that I felt how defensive he was moving towards it. I continued to drive until I reached the place.

It was a really big facility. A part of it was a prison that held the inmates and another part had an office with workers.

I walked inside and was greeted by the woman at the desk.

"Hi how can I assist you today?" The woman asked.

"Yea I'm here to bail out a friend." I said.

"Okay we will need your credit card number to-"

"Actually um, I would like to get paid in cash." I said.

She gave me a confused look and looked at Gunz who just smiled.

"Who are you here to bail out?" She asked.

"Jada Soriano." I said.

She started typing on her computer. "So lemme understand you have 1 million dollars for bail in cash?" She asked.

We both nodded our head. "I've been saving to get my sweet ol cousin out for years now." I lied.

She made a quick phone call and turned her attention back to us. "I have someone coming to take the money and count it. Once we have the right amount we'll send Ms.Soriano down." She said.

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