Chapter 3.

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When I arrived at the supermarket I greeted Mrs. Foster, an old lady that worked in the store and which I chatted with quite a few times.
She knew that I had just gotten a new job and that it had been my first day today.

Luckily, everyone else in town appeared to have already finished their shopping and the store was pretty empty which helped me relax a little after this tough working day.

Soon enough I found myself at the cashpoint Mrs. Foster was working at.

"Good evening Mrs. Foster, working late today?" I asked, always enjoying a little chat with her.

"Yes, the young Ms. Williams is sick and we had to take up some more shifts, but my husband will pick me up afterwards, so it's fine." She reassured me with a knowing smile.

"But anyway, how was your first day working at Wayne Enterprises? Have you met Bruce Wayne yet?" She asked happily while scanning my groceries.

I blushed knowing she was reffering to me being single and complaining about it once.

"No, I haven't met him yet and I probably never will. If Mr. Wayne has any business in our department he is probably going to Mr. Fox to talk about it." I told her, starting to gather the things she had already scanned.

"But beside that it was very interesting, but also a pretty rough day. I'll be so happy when I get home and relax a little." I added and she nodded, probably feeling the same about her day at work.

We finished packing up in silence and I left after I payed, wishing her a good evening.

The remaining hours of the day I spent cooking, eating and just trying to get some time to relax which I had needed. At around 11pm I started to prepare everything for the next day, so it wouldn't end up as messy as today and went to bed after that.

When I got to work the next day I was practically beaming with enthusiasm. The day got even better when Mary entered my office and we went over the various folders and information Fox had provided me with just yesterday.

"So, how long have you been working here?" I asked Mary once she was finished with her explanations.

"Not very long either. About 8 months? I was hired after Wayne Enterprises went public. Dean started around the same time, just a bit later. Before that it must have been Mr. Fox only." She answered me and stretched a little.

"He invented all these things down there?!" I exclaimed quite shocked. I knew he was impressive, but like that? I had no clue.

"Apparently. Dean and I only added very few things. Unless Mr. Wayne did some of these himself. He used to work in our department when it was still called Applied Sciences."

Now I must've looked completly dumbfounded, because Mary started laughing hysterically.

"Didn't you know?" She questioned me while gasping for air.

"No! Like, how? Is that something everyone knows or something?" I inquired to know, feeling immensly stupid.

"Actually not. Only a few people in the whole company know since there was a huge change of personnel after Mr. Fox became the CEO. I was surprised, too, when told me." She stated, now a little more serious again.

"But the Bruce Wayne? Somehow that totally doesn't match his image?" I said, still unable to believe it.

"That's what I thought as well, but when you talk to him you can notice that he is a smart person. Not what the media wants him to be." Mary told me and I was shocked again.

"You met him?!" I practically shouted and held my hands in front of my mouth immediately after.

Just then Dean passed by my office and I nearly got a heart attack when he stopped and looked at us. Then he just laughed, shook his head and closed the glass door of my office. Mary was practically in tears from laughing.

But I must've been as pale and white as the walls of my office. Could I embarass myself any more?

"Oh my god, I thought it was Mr. Fox for a second." I breathed out and hid my face with my hands.

"Mr. Fox wouldn't really mind. He is pretty relaxed, but it would've been so funny if it had been Mr. Wayne himself!" She answered me and started to laugh again.

Now I could feel my face burning.

"I guess then I would need to search for a new job right now..." I sighed and opened my water bottle to drink something. Why was it so hot in here?

"Oh no! You know how the media always says Mr. Wayne is a playboy? Well that part is actually true. He probably would've flirted with you." Mary shrugged and handed me her cup, so I could share some of my water with her.

"A billionaire playboy that actually knows about science? What kind of world do we live in?" I asked ironically while pouring some water into Mary's cup.

"A great one." She replied simply and took a sip of her water.

"Anyway, back to topic. You met him? I heard he never really shows up over here." I told her about the rumors I've heard and Mary only shrugged again.

"I mean it has only been a few times. Like five times or something? But he and Mr. Fox seem to be kind of close, maybe that's why." She explained and I nodded.

"But enough of Mr. Wayne, let's grab something to eat!" Mary suggested and I obliged happily.

And that's how the weeks went on. Mary, Dean and me made a habit of getting lunch together and they showed me some great cheap places to eat. I already felt close to them and still felt relieved that my colleagues where such nice people.

Occasionally even Mr. Fox joined us, but today was not one of these days.

As usual, we were eating on our lunch break and we decided to take our time today, because we had managed to create a new kind of fiber today and were one step closer to finally creating that new fabric we wanted to create since I started working here three weeks ago.

But now we were finished with our lunch break and made our way back over to the Wayne Tower and from there down to our lab. When we arrived in the black hole, as we liked to call the massive room filled with prototypes, we heard voiced from the lab and went there immediately.

Once we entered the room the voices became clearer and I recognized one of it to be the one of Mr. Fox. I could not identify the other one. Until we approached the table and two men came in sight. Now, I recognized the other man right away.

Bruce Wayne.

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