Chapter 21.

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             After the footsteps quieted down, the  elevator door opened and a bunch of heavily armed S.W.A.T. members  entered the ballroom. I felt them rush by me after the crowd told them  where the Joker escaped to.

What have I gotten myself into? After the S.W.A.T. team had disappeared I felt Mary and Dean coming to my side.

"Have you gone crazy?" Dean nearly shouted at me while scanning my body for any more bruises other than my blemished face.

When they noticed that I didn't react he grabbed my face until my eyes finally focused on him.

"Are you alright?" He inquired to know, much softer this time.

"We  should take her to the paramedics. I'm sure they'll be here soon."  Alfred appeared at our side put and his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"You're right." He agreed and looked at me again.

"Can  you walk?" Asked Mary while running her fingers through my hair. I  nodded. She smiled and put her arm around my waist, leading me to the  elevator.

A few minutes after we arrived in the lobby the  ambulance arrived. Just as they got out of their car, the elevator  opened again and Bruce ran out looking worried.

"Jane! Is she okay?" He asked Alfred and he nodded.

"Who are you to ask?" Mary let go of me and rose from the ground.

"Excuse me?" Bruce asked confused.

"Where were you when she got beaten up to help your friend?" Mary's voice nearly toppled over at how angry she was.

"I  had left to discuss some business with a friend of mine. I'm sorry, if I  would have known..." Bruce mumbled, but Mary shut him up.

"Then  what? We know you're all empty words, Mr. Wayne, so would you do us the  favour and leave this woman alone so she can heal in peace?"

Bruce stared at her with pain eminent in his eyes. Then he swallowed and nodded.

"I understand. I'm sorry Jane. If there are any hospital fees I will pay them for you."

"Get out of here!" Mary ordered and Bruce sighed before disappearing back into the elevator.

After  this the paramedics finally tended to my head. In the end, they could  only diagnose that I was under shock and had a slight concussion. I  should relax the rest of the weekend and was excused from work for the  first two days of the week.

When they were done with me they went  upstairs to look after the other people that were injured. As for me,  Alfred ordered a car and Dean and Mary accompanied me home.

There, Mary helped me to change out of my dress while Dean got me some cool packs for my head.

"You need to call me if you need anything okay?" Mary insisted and I sighed.

"Yeah, I will. It's not that bad though..." I continued, but she shushed me.

"Don't  you dare argue with me after getting involved in a fight with the most  famous villain we have in Gotham at the moment. Maybe this hit to your  head was actually good for you..."

I glared at her for a second until a sharp pain ran through my head and I flinched.

"She's not wrong." Dean shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"She just stood there..." I spoke up again, but got interrupted.

"As you should have."

"No, she needed help."

"You needed help as well after you got involved!" Mary argued and I took a deep breath.

I knew she was right, but it was still the right thing to do in my opinion.

"Can we stop arguing? My head already hurts enough."

"You're right, you're right, sorry." Mary sighed and rubbed my hand as an apology.

After that we changed to different subjects and although they were still worried they left me alone after my headache got worse.

My free days went by rather slowly. After I called in sick at work on Monday, there wasn't much left for me to do.

So, I searched for a new series to watch and spent most of my day either eating, sleeping or watching TV.

On  my last day before returning to work, I finally got out of bed in the  afternoon and scuffled over to my front door to fetch my mail.

I  went through the small stack when one of the letters caught my eye. It  was a plain white envelope with no writing whatsoever on it. I furrowed  my brows and opened the letter carefully.

Dear Jane,

I  have to apologize for what happened on Saturday again. You must believe  me that I would have done anything to protect Rachel and you if I had  had the chance.

I know I've already told you why exactly I  wasn't there and if I were you I wouldn't care either, but when I saw  you that night I realized how much I've missed you. Something I should  have realised much sooner.

You deserve better than me,  that is certain, but I have to be egoistical and ask you: Will you give  me the chance to see you again?

I'll be waiting for you in the Botanical Gardens on Tuesday 7pm. I hope to see you there.


With a frown appearing on my forehead I lowered the letter.

I  would've never thought that Bruce was the kind of man to write a letter  to...anybody really. Additionally I wouldn't have expected his letter to  be so well written. Not that I think he was poorly educated, certainly  not. But the way he used his words was so...sweet.

I shook my head.

I shouldn't be thinking like that. Or should I?

Being  honest, I was intrigued. I had never received such a sweet letter in my  life and I had to admit that seeing him again made me miss him as well.  Just a tiny bit though.

With a sigh I threw the letters onto the dinner table. I could already feel my head starting to ache again.

I plopped down on the sofa when it hit me. Tuesday? That was today!

I  jumped back up and was immediately punished my the sharp pain running  through my brain. Stalling a moment, I regained my composure and hurried  over to look at the clock. 7pm.



Hey everyone!

A rather short update, but better than nothing I guess...

This time I'd like to ask you guys a few questions:

What other fandoms are you into?
Do you guys read fanfictions only on Wattpad or other stuff as well?
Aaaand I know the Joker is pretty popular in the Batman fandom, so I wanted to ask if you'd like to see just a little of him in this story or a lot?

I'd really appreciate it if some of you could answer any of these questions :)

Thanks again for reading!

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