Chapter 22.

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Just a quick heads up for anyone that wants to know what I imagined the botanical gardem to lool like: Google: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England (at least from the inside)

After I screamed at myself for a second in my head, I rushed into my room. There was no time to think about what to wear right now.

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a rose-colored, oversized, silky blouse and a pair of ankle boots. Then I put my hair up into a ponytail and rushed out the door.

On my way to the subway I stuffed a bottle of water into my bag, while fishing around for my ticket.

I was lucky and the train arrived just three minutes after I got to the subway station. I had to change trains at the Wayne Tower and after another short six minutes I was there.

With the subway station behind me I took a deep breath and walked over to the botanical garden. It consisted of a medium sized park and a huge cupola with tropical plants inside.

I didn't even know where exactly I was supposed to meet Bruce, but I figured inside would be the more reasonable place to look for him, so I hesitantly went inside.

The door fell shut and I flinched at the loud noise. After that it was eerily quiet again.


Taking a few steps forward, I realized how beautiful this place actually was. There was a circular path leading through the level I was currently on. Then I noticed metal stairs leading above, but you couldn't see much of the silver metal anymore, because it was covered by tendrils. The evening light shone through the windows and covered everything in golden light.

It was magical.

Without hurry, I explored the garden step by step. At one point I had walked through one half of the cupola and the stairs appeared next to me.

Once again fascinated, I began to climb them.

"You're late." A deep voice called from above and I stopped to look up the stairs.

I couldn't see anyone, so I resumed to climbing the stairs.

"I found your letter only half an hour ago, sorry." I explained when I reached the top of the stairs and looked around. I froze in place.

"Oh, you expected someone else?" The man relaxing on the bench on my right asked me.

I had thought that Bruce's voice sounded weird, but I figured maybe he was sick or something.

I was wrong.

The Joker chuckled barely audible and got up.

"No need to be shy, make yourself comfortable. Here, relax, sit down." He pushed me down on the bench and leaned on the handrail I was facing.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, genuinely confused. Sure, I had been with Bruce Wayne, but other than that there was nothing remotely interesting to me.

"Getting right to point, are we? I told you, we'd have more fun in the future, Jane." He explained his eyes narrowing, although there was still a mischievous glint to his eyes.

"You know my name?"

"How do you think the letter got to your place? Your name is no well-kept secret." He pushed himself off the handrail and waved his hand to dismiss my, in his opinion, stupid question. His body language had changed. Even though he was a few feet away from me, it felt like he was towering over me, leaving no doubt as to who was the one in control of this conversation.

I remained silent and waited for him to continue. I was sitting straighter than I had ever sat in my entire life, my fingernails digging into the rough fabric of my skinny jeans.

"Well then if you've got nothing to say, let me do the talking." He suggested and jumped closer to finally sit down next to me. One leg crossing over the other and leaning towards me, casually playing with a knife in his hand.

"I know you and Brucey, aren't a 'thing' anymore, but you see, since you came here it's obvious you're still all over him, aren't you?" He grinned at you, showing his slightly yellow teeth, underlined by his contrasting, bright red painted lips, knowing you couldn't deny it.

"And how is that important to you?"

"Oh," he poked my forehead, "in many ways. But let me tell you something. I know you think this is about all this lovey-dovey crap, but I couldn't care less, you see? You work at his company, in a tiny department. I know your life story. What you did at university. What you're doing now..."

I swallowed, finally understanding what exactly made me an object of interest to him.

"I see you understand. Your little fling with Wayne only makes this easier for me. It's not enjoyable to be surrounded by idiots all day, but I'm sure our collaboration will bear fruits." Once again a confident grin appeared on his painted face.

Was that a compliment?

"And what convinces you that I will work for you? Bruce is rich enough to have enough bodyguards to protect himself, you trying to blackmail me is useless."

The Joker threw his head back and a high pitched laugh escaped his lips that seemed to fit his personality perfectly. His entire body was shaking.

"Is that so?" He asked, still laughing.

I simply nodded.

"How naïve you are." He answered with a much darker voice, it almost sounded like a growl. "If he could protect himself that well, how could I enjoy myself at his party this weekend? You know, I wasn't invited which I found very disappointing."

After ending his sentence, he stopped playing with his knife, grasping it firmly. I tried to back away, realizing what was about to come, but I was too slow.

He held my head with his left hand and put the knife to my right cheek, where you could still see the faint remains of the hit I had received on Saturday. Although his grip was tight, it was not as forced as I had seen it last weekend. He lightly traced the knife over my skin and I looked to the floor.

"I suggest you cooperate. You'll have to either way, but there are two ways to do this."

His breath hit my face and I shivered, shutting my eyes in defeat. Although I couldn't see him the red paint of his mouth appeared in front of my eyes. I knew he was enjoying this.

"What do you want me to do?"

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