Chapter 2 : Encounter

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"Can you believe the nerve of this guy? I can still smell ketchup in my hair," I whined at the phone.

Currently, I was talking to Jenny and Gabby on conference, recounting them my miserable hair-ketchup story.

"Try washing them again," Gabby said, leniently.

"I have washed them five times, for the love of god! And they still smell like a toad," I hissed.

"Uh Sam, studies say that toads have a smell similar to that of a peanut butter. And you have got ketchup on your head," Jenny stated, matter-of-factly.

"Not now Jenny," Gabby and I said in unison.

"OK now listen, I have a perfect idea to lift up your mood. There's this party at someone named Jason's house. And guess what? I am invited," Gabby said the last part in a sing song manner.

"Oh, Please! We are so not going to any party," I scrunched my nose, "I'd prefer watching Dark Knight Trilogy."

"Me too!" Jenny shouted from the other side of the phone, "Plus it's a weekday."

"Believe me, you both are boys disguised in a body of a girl," Gabby sighed, "Anyway, I'm picking you two in ten."

With that she ended the call, leaving me whimpering on my bed with my hair still smelling like ketchup. Or Toad?

If only Trystan Ryder didn't exist, life would have been full of sunshine.

Wait. Sunshine? Didn't he call me that?

Hmph! That son of a witch.

My train of hatred filled thoughts was disrupted by murmured voices from downstairs.

Out of curiosity, I went down but stopped on my way when I saw mom and dad in the kitchen.

"Why can't you understand?" Mom sobbed.

"She's your daughter, Caroline," Dad said softly, cupping her face.

"Sh-She reminds me of her," Mom stuttered, and that statement was enough to make me understand what the conversation was about.

All my worries about my hair were now replaced with guilt and watery eyes.

'You deserve it for what you did. You deserve her hatred.' I thought and a tear managed to escape my eyes.

Suddenly I heard a familiar hooter, indicating Gabriella's arrival.

For a minute, I wanted to run into the kitchen and hug my mother. But I decided otherwise.

"Dad, I am going to Gabby's place," I shouted after wiping my tears and ran outside, not even waiting for his reply.

I did not want to face him. I was, probably, tired of his pity filled looks. It makes me feel more miserable than the guilt I've been holding since forever.

"I hate parties," Jenny huffed as soon as I reached the car.

She was sitting in the passenger seat with a frown.

"You hate everything that is not related to study, Jen," Gabby rolled her eyes. "Now hop in, Sam."

I climbed the backseat. Gabby lived only two blocks away from my house. So the ride to her house was short.

She parked her car while Jenny and I made our way towards the big iron gateway. Gabriella's dad is one of the biggest business tycoons of the town so we have been used to her luxurious life style.

As soon as we entered her room, Jenny and I started a pillow fight. We have been doing this since we first visited her house; solely because the girl sleeps with fifteen pillows. And all of them are super cozy.

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