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"How – how do you know about that?" I whispered, holding his serious gaze. "Who the hell are you?"

"Guess I should introduce myself: I'm the demon Leraj. Formally a Grey Demon, until the king banished me to Earth after getting a bit too rowdy for his liking." He paused, saw the glare I was sending his way and continued on. "Back then, when you were a fox, there had been talk for some time among the demons about an apparently righteous group are trying to turn a fox into a human. However, being humans, they didn't have access to large amounts of magic; so they had to ask a demon for help."

"And they asked you?" I butted in.

"No," he scoffed. "Why would I interact with petty humans like that? Besides, it was a completely stupid and utterly hopeless idea. I'm surprised you even survived, let alone be transformed into a human."

I scowled. "I am sitting right here, you know."

He waved me off. "Anyway, everyone knew about the spell and several demons were clambering over each other to help. Why? They knew it wouldn't work. But they knew the humans would probably kill themselves trying. The temptation of free meat is a lot for a demon."

"You disgusting creatures."

He continued as if I hadn't even spoken. "The plan failed in the end, or so we thought, since the demon sent to the human world didn't come back. After a couple of days, no one thought twice about the stupid ritual. Plus, even if I hadn't known who you were, the magic signature from the spell is still imprinted on your skin. It's distinctly demon."

"Wow, and here I thought I would be held in higher reverie since I was one of the Seven Deadly Sins," I snapped sarcastically. "And what's with the magic signature? Do I get powers because I'm covered in demon magic?"

"Besides being highly annoying and snappish, nope." The stick I lobbed at his head got him right above the eye.

"So, since you're a demon with powers, that means you can transform me back into a fox!" I stated excitedly.

"Isn't the human life treating you well?" he teased.

"You wouldn't believe the amount of time I've almost been killed... and I've only been human for a couple of weeks."

"Aw, can't the little fox stand it?" He leant over and ruffled my head and I socked him in the gut. Let's just say my hand hurt more than his stony stomach. He cocked an eyebrow. "Wow, that was weak."

"Shut it," I snarled. "Fighting as a human isn't as simple as fighting like a fox." I shook out my hand. "It seems this pathetic human body is too weak for most of things I used to be great at. Jumping on people doesn't knock them over, my nails do nothing except scratch the surface and don't even get me started on these pathetic teeth." I ran my tongue over them. "They're so blunt I can't even eat meat properly."

Leraj shook his head at me, amused. "That's because you haven't learnt well enough; you're still following your fox instinct."

"That's because I am a fox."

"No anymore."

"Then transform me back," I replied stubbornly.

"No. Even if I wanted to, I can't. Not with the magic ability I have now. I wasn't lying when I said all I can do is help the humans. A ritual to transform a human into an animal is a drain on the soul, even for demons, whose entire bodies are basically constructed from magic and spiritual matter. That cult was foolish to even try that on you; I'm guessing you would have seen the end effects of that."

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now