~~ 21.5 ~~

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Hendrickson's POV

Everything was moving according to plan. Now with this girl in our possession, the Seven Deadly Sins would surely perish and the Holy War would begin.

The girl, the Fox of Greed. Leraj had done well in sinking his claws into her. How trusting she had been towards that demon.

For someone so powerful, her mind was so weak. It hadn't taken long to reconstruct her memories, to turn those feelings of companionship and fierce devotion towards the other Sins and the Princess into blinding hate and a need for revenge.

And now with the Demon Blood in her veins, she would become a force without reckon.

A Raven crowed through the window, beady red eyes focused on me. It hopped closer on the branch.

"Shoo. You know your job." I waved it off and it dropped from the tree, soaring down towards the training field.

Nothing would be able to stop the Holy Knights now.

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now