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Our roundhouse kicks met in mid-air.

"Give up," I growled, dropping down low to avoid his follow up kick. I pushed up onto my arms and kicked my legs through, taking him out while he was unbalanced. Something went crack but by the time I was back on my feet, he had healed.

"Like I'd do that while we're having so much fun." He sent a flurry of punches my way and I blocked with my forearms, the sting like sharp rocks along my skin.

Time no longer existed – the outside world had faded away. It was just Ban and I trading blows. Two foxes battling for the alpha position. I wasn't sure who had the upper hand as we were quite evenly matched but I knew that it had to be me if I wanted to take the crown.

I counted his attacks and when the subtle pause as he switched from a jab to a cross came, I lashed out with an uppercut, socking him under the chin and lifting him a few inches off the ground. I followed through with a jab to his solar plexus that sent him flying.

I wiggled my fingers in glee. I felt fast, powerful, unstoppable thanks to the alcohol. I'd feel it in the morning but right now, there was no pain.

"That's all you have? My little brother could punch harder." I chuckled, sliding sideways as he charged. I grabbed the back of his neck and drove his face into the ground.

He flipped into a roll, taking me with him. I headbutted the ground then landed on my back, his next attack catching me on the hip as I rolled away, scrambling to my feet. The only two places he'd attack while I was flat on my back like a turtle was my chest and stomach.

And if he hit my gut, there'd be no end to a torrent of vomit. Even now all the sloshing was making me feel a bit green. I ignored it and dodged his punch that dented the ground. His growl of frustration had me dancing around him.

"I guess I'm still faster," I crowed, throwing jabs and elbows.

He ducked and wove past every attack I made. "I don't know, I'm doing a fine job of dodging you." Then he punched me in the face. Low blow – I wasn't trying to hit his face in respect. It was just a friendly match after all.

I stumbled back, blood gushing out of my nose. It healed quickly but I was left to spit out blood and wipe snot away. Sobriety was hitting me just as hard as his punches and wooziness had me swaying.

A hand held a tankard out to me and I couldn't resist a chug. The alcohol warmed my veins and I shook off the dizzy spell his punch had caused. Blood trickled down my lip and I swiped it away, a small breathless chuckle leaving me. I wouldn't let him best me. We'd made the rule we wouldn't use weapons but we'd said nothing about our abilities. Fire cascaded from my fingertips to my elbows, blazing red.

"Oh, so we're going to use powers now?"

"Uh, guys, I think you're-"

Both Ban and I held a hand up to King. "Shush," we cried in unison then narrowed back on each other.

"Fair game then?" Ban asked, readying himself. His left hand unfurled then clenched and I felt my strength leaving my body as quickly as my sensibility. The flames spluttered.

"Thief," I countered, the strength I lost returning. We stood in a gridlock. The muscles on his neck strained. "Give up, Ban!" I crowed. "I'm the best fox there ever is!"

The best fox there ever is – is that right English? I mulled over the words, rechecking the sentence. I didn't notice Ban's kick coming until it connected with my stomach.

All the air whoosh out of me but I managed to stop myself from flying away with lightning quick reflexes that had me digging my flaming claws into his calf and thigh.

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now