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"Who are you?" the Holy knight questioned, turning his gaze away from Meliodas and levelling his sword at me. 

"Captain!" the giant lady whined loudly, glaring daggers at me. "You have another woman by your side?!" 

"Don't get the wrong idea," I called across the clearing, shuffling forward slowly. My chicken friend followed close by. "Meliodas is only helping me out and I, him. For who I am, I'm the Fox of Greed." I locked eyes with the Holy Knight. 

"The Fox Sin of Greed? Ban?" 

"No," I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I am the Fox of Greed. The literal fox of greed. I'm a seven deadly sin. Now, release my friends. And the giant lady too," I added. 

"I think not." He disappeared. 

Barely a second had passed, a second too slow for what came next. A slight noise, a movement of the air. My head was turning slowly, for a sudden sickeningly realisation washed over me. 

He was behind me. 

Pain exploded from my swollen temple, rupturing my vision into cracks of red and flashes of light. There was a ringing in my ears, the taste of blood in my mouth, then nothing but blackness. 

I came to on the ground, curled in a foetal position. With heavy eyelids, head lolling from side to side, I pushed myself up with the help of something. The giant lady's foot, I noticed, when she peered down at me. 

"Hey, are you alright?" 

I mumbled incoherently, trying to fight past the stabbing pain ricocheting in my head. Why did I always end up getting knocked out? 

"What's... what's going on?" I drawled, then spat out of a glob of blood. My eyes focused a bit more on the ground around me. "Where did Hawk and Elizabeth go?"

"Gilthunder knocked you out," the lady explained, "and is now fighting Sir Meliodas. He kicked Hawk and Elizabeth ran after him; it's what he planned all along. His business is just with us sins." 

"Gilthunder?" Fitting. Controller of lightning, voice like thunder. I almost laughed out loud at that thought; guess I was out of it a bit. 

My head felt too heavy to keep up so I slumped back against the foot, using it as a prop. The giant lady didn't seem to fussed now; she obviously didn't deem me a threat to her position as the Captain's main woman. 

My right hand opened and closed on air. The shiny, gorgeous, simple dagger was gone. So was my chicken friend. Did he die? I hoped not; I was just coming to like that hybrid poultry. 

The slide of steel upon steel had my eyes jerking round, searching. There, fighting amidst the mist and strangled trees were Meliodas and Gilthunder. 

They were so fast: Meliodas dodging each and every attack made by Gilthunder in a series of flips and zigzagged steps; the lightning sword arcing through the air with deadly precise and speed. My eyes could barely keep up with the movements.  


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