The Year of the Crazy

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2013-The Year of the Crazy

**sorry if I offend anyone's music taste or anything else in this story.**


“I think,” Knox says thoughtfully, “Justin Timberlake’s return is the only good thing that happened this year.”


I can’t wait for the summertime to start.

Winter is cold. And numb. And it gives you frostbite. The summer is warm. And sunny. And it gives you an excuse to stay in the pool all day. The summer should last longer, I think. It’s important to go outside and shine in the sun. You can’t do that in the winter; you’re too busy trying to find warmth in your house.

“What’s your new year’s resolution gonna be, Everly?”

I glance over at my friend, Liv, with a dull stare. “I don’t have one.”

She rolls her eyes, giggling. She’s a bit tipsy from drinking, and it’s only 11. She’s going to be completely trashed towards the end of the night. “C’mon! Everybody’s gots one!”

Now she’s got her friends staring at me with curious gazes, so I have to pick one quick. “Um…to…get out…more?” Wow. Get out more. Now I sound like an antisocial freak.

But Liv thinks it’s the best thing in the entire world, because she starts clapping and grinning. “Good one!”

I roll my eyes, turning away from her to look out the night-streaked sky. This is her New Year’s Eve party, so being her best friend, I didn’t have a choice on whether to come. She expects everyone to stay awake all night, but in reality, I know it’s not going to happen. The most people will stay up till is probably around 3, tops.

She’s got all sorts of alcoholic drinks to the side; I chose wine. I’m not really a drinker. Liv told me to dress for partying, but I knew better. And it’s currently 35 degrees out, so yeah, that’s totally partying weather. I just threw on a pair of dark jeans with a white sweater and my black boots. When I got here, she was already tipsy, so she didn’t notice my attire.

I really don’t know anyone here. She invited all her friends; and trust me, she’s got lots. I guess I really am an antisocial freak, because I don’t want to get to know any of them. I’d rather sip my wine and watch out the window. She’s got a nice view; she’s got a nice high level apartment. She’s got the TV on nice and loud too, so people can watch the ball drop in New York. 

“You sure look happy.”

I turn my eyes over and a relieved smile covers my face. “Knox! Oh thank god, someone I know. Wait.” I narrow my eyes, looking at his face. “Please tell me you’re not drunk.”

He grins, taking one of his hands up to his messy brown hair to swipe at it. “Aha, nope, not a drinker, remember?”

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