You're Hot, Then You're Cold

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Okay, so this little number came to me in a dream. My dream was that a girl went to sleep in her friend's house and woke up with a guy cuddling her. Weird, I know. I still don't understand my dreams. They can be EXTREMLEY weird. 

Anyways, read on. :)


You’re Hot Then You’re Cold

Okay, I, Madeline Fitz, officially hate my best friend, Tara Rong.

We went to this party, see, and I didn’t even want to go in the first place. I’m not a ‘party gal’ unlike Tara. She’s the queen of parties. So it’s really easy to loose track of her. For all I know she could be skinny dipping into a pool of Jell-o. Yes, it’s happened before.

That’s not the point. The point is that my best friend, who promised me that she would not leave my side, did the complete opposite. She left my side. As soon as we stepped foot inside. And you know what I got an hour later of sitting on a couch watching drunken people playing Wii Sports? This text message from the devil herself:

HEey, gurrlll. Take mY car home, wIll ya???? TanKSs!!!

I have her car keys because she already knew something like this would’ve happened. It has plenty of times before. Now, I have no problem doing this. Sort of. But I have a problem myself. When I drive her car back, the only car we brought, I don’t have a ride home. It’s too far to walk. My parents are fast asleep, so there’s no need to wake them up. So are Tara’s parents. And to think I would be able just to drive her car to my house, but no. Tara is a very protective girl when it comes to her car. She never lets anyone drive it. Except for me, and this is a pretty rare occurrence. Tara would flip out on me if I took her car to my house for the night.

So my only last option is to sleep at her house.

Another problem.

Tara, being the strange one she is, always has her bedroom door under lock and key.

She tells me she needs her privacy. There’s no way to get into her room tonight. I guess I’ll be sleeping on the ground.

And that’s why I hate my best friend.

Muttering some oh-so-nice things about Tara under my breath, I head out into the night sky, looking for her bright yellow car. I hop in as soon as I find it, not wanting to smell the drunken air any longer. This is why I will never drink. 

Because her house is so near to this party, all I have to do is go down the street, take a left, and continue down that street until I hit her house. Which is very soon. I park it in the spot on the driveway and climb out. Quietly walking to the front of the house, I open the door we made sure not to lock. Tara’s parents go to sleep extremely early because they work really long hours. As quiet as possible, I tip toe up the stairs and turn over to Tara’s room.

Maybe I’ll get lucky. Maybe she forgot to lock it this time. Silently praying it’s open, I jiggle the doorknob. It doesn’t even budge. I quietly curse the damn door and whirl around to go find a blanket and pillow to sleep on in front of her door. But then I pause and my eyes drift over to the long hallway. There’s a door open down there, which is the guest bedroom. And that door is always shut. Curious, I follow it down, stopping right in front of it.

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