By The Poolside

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I don't know why, but this was based on a dream that I had two days ago. It was about a vampire walking me home from my community pool at night. Only this isn't at night. XD

By The Poolside

I hate vampires.

They think they’re oh so much better than us humans because they got the looks, their stronger than us, and overall, they’re arrogant sons of bitches. The only good thing about them is that they only drink animal blood. Not one of them drinks human blood. Apparently, it’s revolting.

A handful of humans turn out to be a vampire’s ‘soul mate’ or whatever. Usually, vampires will end up with other vampires. Sometimes though, vampires do find ‘soul mates’ as humans, because we’re typically the same time of animal. Only they suck blood and we do not. I feel bad for those who are ‘soul mated’ to a vampire. I would rather die in a hole than be with a vampire my whole life. I don’t know how they know how one person is their ‘soul mate’, and I really don’t want to find out.

“Sissy,” My eight year old sister tugs onto my hand, “come on, we need to get to the pool before it gets too packed!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming, calm your horses.” My sister and my 17 year old brother wanted to go to the pool today. My mom and dad are at work, so I decided, why not? We grabbed our towels and headed off for the day. What else is an 18 year old like me got to do with her life for the summer?

Nothing, that’s what.

I scan my card to get into the pool. It’s gated off, only for people who live in the complex. My sister runs over to an empty table and kicks off her shoes. She dives right into the pool, laughing. When she bobs back up to the top, I tell her, “Be careful.”

She swats me away, still laughing. My brother sits down in a chair, eyes scanning for any girls-vampire or not. We look exactly alike. Same messy brown hair and eyes. The only thing is he’s taller than me by a lot. My sister on the other hand, she has blonde hair and blue eyes-like my father.

The pool for a change, is actually not that packed. A mother with her son is playing in the shallow part of the pool while some guy in the back is doing laps from side to side. On the right of where I sit, a cute guy and what looks to be his mother is sitting there. A woman who looks a lot like the mother sits next to her, bubbling about some recipe she saw online.

My eyes zoom in on the guy. He doesn’t seem too happy to be here. He’s just sitting on a beach chair, green eyes looking at the floor. I can see how strong he is just from over here. His brown hair is still a little wet from probably going into the pool. As I’m still checking him out, he glances my way with a smirk. My eyes snap back over to the pool, pretending I wasn’t just looking at him.

Sighing, I reach for my phone in my bag. I fish around in there for a minute or two. “Shit,” I mutter, “I forgot my phone. Dammit!” I look at my brother for a moment. “Can you watch her for a minute? I have to go back to the house for my phone.”

“Yeah, sure.” He’s not looking at me. He’s looking at the young female lifeguard.

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