We Fight, But It's Not As Bad As It Seems

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We Fight, But It's Not As Bad As It Seems

“Crap, crap, crap, crap.”

“You're going to be late.”

“I know.”

“You should've went to bed earlier.”

“I know, I know.”

“And it's your first day, too. Nice one.”

“You're not helping.”

“You're right. You know what would help? Your car keys.”

I was tossed keys that I grabbed blindly. “Thanks.”

“Go get 'em, tiger.”

“Not a tiger, but alright.”


I slammed the door on my roommate's cat calls as I scurried to the parking lot. I started at 8:00, and it was currently 7:46. I needed to get to my new internship at Click's pronto. What kind of worker would I be if I was late on my first day? I couldn't set that example for myself. It would eat away at my insides.

My breath came out in pants as I half-jogged into the parking lot. I could see my breath in front of my face; that's how you know it's going to be a very cold winter. I pulled down my beanie a little more so that it covered the top part of my ears. I was all decked out in my best winter clothing. My velvet-like coat had every button buttoned, my boots were pulled up all the way (they were heels, so that was why I was only half-jogging), and my jeans were a second layer of skin. Underneath my coat, I had a warm, blue sweater on to keep me warm indoors.

My camera was also dangling around my neck just in case I needed it. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to be doing at Click's, but I did know that it was a photography store. They sold cameras and parts, but they also did portraits and things like that. It was in the perfect area, too. A couple blocks away from campus.

As I was so preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn't realize that I was walking directly in the middle of the wide-open parking lot. I also did not realize the car that was barreling my way. My reactions were apparently as slow as a turtle. When I did realize it, it was too late.

Someone from my left shoved me aside. The wind was knocked out of my body as strong arms came around my sides, warming me instantly. I gasped as I looked into bright blue, crystallized eyes. They held a slightly pissed off note to them, but you could barely tell with the breath-taking smile on his face. “How many times do I have to save you from your stupidity again?”

“Colt,” I breathed, letting my eyes flutter closed for a second. When I opened them, the grin was still apparent on his face. “Thank you.”

“Usually the hero gets a reward,” He continued, black hair ruffling in the slight bone-chilling breeze. “Money. Fame. The girl of their dreams.”

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