In Need of Food

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alright. i'm back! yeeeah. my sister had on cobrastyle by teddybears and for some reason, this popped into my head. dunno. listen to the song while reading the first beginning, if you want. XD i had a weird dream. it was snowing really hard for like, three seconds, and i was looking out my window, then it got lighter, and then it stopped. really weird. huh. :D

In Need Of Food

I zip my dark maroon hoodie up.

I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans.

I push my hair into a ponytail.

I stuff my hands into the pockets.

“Mom, I’m going!”

I’m halfway towards the door when my mother gives me a guilty look. “We don’t need much.”

“I’ll take what we need.”

“We don’t need much,” She repeats. “I get paid Friday.”

“That’s four days from now.”

Her head lowers and a few of her grey-brown strands of hair fall into her eyes. “Be careful.”

“I will.”

I slip through the apartment door and down the long stairs. The gas station isn’t far from here, and it’s not like I have a choice. I don’t know why I chose to go at night, though. Maybe it’s because it’s darker and people won’t see me as much in the daylight.

About a half hour later, the gas station’s lights flicker into my vision. There’s a white SUV sucking up some gas in one of the stations. A tiny blue car sits in a parking spot, but other than that, there’s nothing around. I enter the store as casual as possible. My eyes do a once-over of the place. There’s food all around, stocked plentiful on shelves. Some other knick-knacks like car fresheners sit pretty on counters, but that’s not why I’m here.

The guy working the night shift is placed on a stool, turned away from me. I can’t see his face, all I can see is his red vest with the logo of the gas station stitched onto the shoulder and his brown short hair. He’s clicking dully on a dinosaur computer, playing one of those ping pong games.

I hold my breath. Maybe he didn’t hear me come in. This would make it so much more easier. I step over, slowly, to one of the aisles. There’s nobody else in the store except for me and the worker. I peel a loaf of bread off the shelve, stuffing it into my hoodie. We have the tap water, so no drinks. I think there’s some peanut butter still left in one of the empty cabinets. Just get some jelly and another snack and we’ll survive.

I take five steps closer and take the jelly. The camera in the corner can’t see me. Yet. Glancing quickly over to the worker, he’s in the same position as before. I rub my fingers together. They’re getting clammy. My heart pounds so loud I’m sure the guy behind the counter can hear it. There’s a container of chocolate chip cookies, enough to last us for four days.

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