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Thanatophobia ~ Fear of Death

The place was an hour from Gotham City.

Weapons were flying through the air and it was becoming a blood bath.

There was also a huge hole on the side of the building, where Joker had decided to park the van, well, he decided to make the building a drive-thru.

Everyone was fighting.

Batman grabbed two League members and slammed their heads together, before going for the stairs. Out of the corner stepped Bane.

Bruce came to a halt, staring at the masked man.

"Let me by, Bane. I just want Darcy."

Bane chuckled. "Revenge. We both know you want revenge, and, I suppose, to save Gotham as well."

Bruce's expression hardened.

"Let's see if you bleed."

They ran toward each other.


Ivy's hands shot forward, vines wrapping around a League member as Harley jumped out of the way.

"Thanks Red!"

No one saw Crane sneak up the stairs and down the hallway.

He tried door after door, calling out her name. Each one was locked.

He cursed under his breath, til finally, one of the door's handles clicked. He threw the door open, hope in his heart.

But there was nothing but an empty chair.

"Darcy . . ." he whispered.

"So, you're the Scarecrow, huh?" Crane spun around to face the smug expression of Ra's al Ghul. "I must say, I was expecting more."

"Where is she?" Crane hissed.

"Hmm, who are we talking about?"

"You know exactly who."

"Ahhh, you must mean Rosie. Well, you see . . ." he grinned and backed up, pulling his arm to his side to reveal Darcy.

Crane's eyes widened and he went to lunge forward.

But Ghul pressed a gun to her side before he had the chance. He backed up, to where all the fighting was. Everyone looked up and soon stopped.

"So glad you all could make it to the party," Ghul called.

"Put the gun down," Bruce said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, but you all haven't decided yet."

"Decided what?" Riddler called.

"The ultimate test of character. You get two options. One, you let me take Darcy. I don't poison Gotham, though I'd love to. Or two, you keep fighting me, and I reduce Gotham to ashes."

"And Darcy still gets taken," Crane said.

"An inevitable event, I fear. But a necessary one."

"We aren't just going to let you take her," Ivy said.

"Shame. You'd be sealing the fate of thousands of lives then." He pulled out a small remote. "I'd choose wisely, my friends."

"Guys, stand down," Darcy said, her voice strong. "It's not worth it."

"As if," Harley said.

"She's right," Bruce said. "We can't put her before all the citizens of Gotham."

"What have the citizens of Gotham ever done for us?" Crane said angrily.

"Nothing," Darcy said. "But . . . not all of them are like your grandma, Jonathan. Some of them are like you and me. Lost souls, looking for a home. We won't kill them."

"I've found my home," Crane whispered, staring into her eyes. "And I'm not letting it go."

"Very well then," Ra's chuckled.

And he pressed the button.

Philophobia [Dr. Jonathan Crane]Where stories live. Discover now