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Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women.

"You have a visitor, Ms. Santiago."

Darcy was escorted down the hall by two guards, her shackles clanging against her wrists. Curiosity was eating away at her at the thought of who would come to visit.

She caught sight of her visitor and smirked sitting down in front of the glass and picking up the phone.

"Well, well, well," she said grinning. "I wasn't expecting to see you, of all people."

"I came here to better understand," Batman said.

She raised in eyebrow in a ridiculing way. "Oh?"

"Do you have any idea who turned you in?"

"I do," she said. He looked at her expectantly and when she didn't answer he inhaled deeply.

"If you give me a name, I can try and cut a deal with the GCPD," he said.

She tilted her head at him and hummed to herself. "We both know you wouldn't consider getting time off my sentence."

"You're right," he said. "But don't you want revenge on the person who turned you in?"

She giggled. "Batsy, batsy, batsy. There are far better ways of revenge than turning them into you."

"Was it Scarecrow?"

One side of her mouth quirked up. "You're getting better at this game."

"I know you know who Scarecrow is," Batman said.

"And I know, you know that I know who Scarecrow is, Mr. Wayne."

Batman went deathly silent and squeezed the phone. She chuckled.

"Oh, don't fret. I wouldn't dare think of spilling your little secret! It wouldn't benefit me in the slightest. I could get paid, but who'd believe the word of a madwoman? I also respect what you do. Do you wanna know what made me wanna become a villain?"

He didn't answer and she took that as a yes.

"The death of my sister. I was very young. Almost too young to remember. There was this man who had Caligynephobia, fear of beautiful woman," she clarified. "He was terrified of my sister. The fear finally ate away at him and he killed her in cold blood. So I slit his throat."

"Really?" Batman asked skeptically.

"No." She grinned. "Come on, Bats. I'm a pathological liar."

"Is Dr. Crane, Scarecrow?" Batman hissed. Darcy's smile faltered but quickly recovered. She stood to her feet.

"You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. I imagine we will meet soon. Until then, goodbye, Batman."
"How are you doing, Edward?" Crane asked Riddler.

Riddler smiled at him from across the table. "I'm doing well, doctor."

"Good. How are your meds working?"

"Come on, Johnny boy. You know I don't take that toxic stuff! Why don't we talk about something else?"

"Such as?" Crane asked.

"The Mistress of Fear."

Her name sent chills down Cranes spine, but he remained emotionless.

"I'm not allowed to discuss other patients."

"You like her, don't you?" Riddler chuckled. Crane snarled at him.

"That's none of your concern."

"Of course it's my concern," Riddler said. "After all, Darcy is a close friend of mine. We're very close and I don't want you screwing up my chances with her."

"Even if I did like her, you wouldn't need me for that. Just tell her one of your pointless riddles."

Riddler tried to lunge but only managed to stand to his feet, the chair flew back and the cuffs stopped him.

Crane stood to his feet, buttoning his jacket and calmly leaned across the table.

Riddler chuckled. "You wouldn't know the first thing about Darcy. Her and I could've been former lovers and you wouldn't have a clue."

Crane smirked at him, the first emotion besides annoyance or boredom he'd shown.

"She wouldn't want some boy that hides behind his little riddles because he can't handle doing dirty work. Your arrogance blinds you, Nygma. An exquisite woman, such as Darcy, can see right through such a mask."

Riddler looked angry than began to chuckle.

"Then, my dear Scarecrow, I believe it is a battle for the heart of Ms. Santiago."

Crane clasped his briefcase closed and walked to the door.

Riddler called after him, "May the best man win!"

Crane chuckled waltzing out.
"I plan to."

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