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Athazagoraphobia ~ The Fear of Being Forgotten

Darcy smiled up at Gotham University and walked up the steps. She pushed her glasses up on her nose tightened her ponytail and shifted her bag. She stepped into her psychology class. She was always there at the exact moment the class started. She came in and out unnoticed every single time. She liked it that way, no one ever saw her.

Her heels made no sound against the floor as she took her seat in the back.

Dr. Jonathan Crane, her professor was giving a speech. They sometimes studied works of literature and killers. They had finished analyzing Sybil.

She took out her pen and notepad and began writing away.

There was always something unsettling about her professor. He was too calm, too monotone. His expression was too icy. He had a dark secret. Something horrific. Perhaps that was why Darcy still came to this class even though she already knew everything that was being taught.

She leaned back in her chair and stared at him intently.

His eyes gleamed with pride in what he was talking about.

After the class she stood to leave.

"Ms. Santiago," a voice called. "May I please have a word with you."

Darcy slowly turned to her professor and walked down to the front to reach him.

"Yes, Professor Crane."

He glanced up at her. "Your scores are exceedingly high. Something leads me to believe you already know everything I'm I correct?"

She stared at him and slightly nodded. "I enjoy being ahead and studying further into the human brains capacity."

Crane looked up at her with a hint of intriguing. He stood from his seat and leaned against his desk shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What's your favorite thing to study in psychology?"

"That's easy, phobias," she said a little too fast, in excitement. His head seemed to whip up and he couldn't help the smirk that came to his face.

"Would you like to stay after one of these days and help me with an experiment I'm    conducting?" he asked. She smiled at him.


"Wonderful. I will tell you when. You may leave."

She turned and walked out of the room. She didn't see Dr. Crane reach into his desk, pull on a heavy jacket and run out after her. The camera he had pulled out glinted in the light.
Darcy pulled out her hair tie and pulled off her glasses, shoving them in her bag. She walked into a store and to the bathroom. There she applied red lipstick, black eyeliner and changed into a long black dress and six inch heels.

She quickly curled her hair and stepped out and into the streets of Gotham City.

Her heels clicked with each step as she walked to the entrance of a club.

She had no clue that a few yards back her professor was snapping picture after picture of her. He knew she was the Mistress of Fear. Now it was only a matter of getting her committed to Arkham, so he could further study her.

He resisted the urge to call the GCPD. It wasn't time yet.

He had after school lessons to look forward to, after all.

Now to go see why she was at the Joker and Harley Quinn's hangout.

Philophobia [Dr. Jonathan Crane]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin