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Scelerophobia ~ Fear of Crime

"Darcy, Darcy, Darcy," Joker grinned from his blackjack game.

"Dar!" Harley squealed.

Darcy had pulled on a black masquerade mask. She smiled and pulled up a chair, sitting at the table. Two Face threw her a pile of cards and she picked them up.

"Where's Johnny?" Poison Ivy asked.

"He wasn't sure if he'd be able to make it," Riddler said.
"Johnny?" Darcy questioned.

"Scarecrow. The Master of fear," Penguin laughed.

"You two are very similar, yes?" Victor Zsasz said.

"He uses gas and toxins. I use the real thing. I kill, he makes them slowly lose their mind," Darcy said throwing in some money to the middle of the table.

"Both are rather highly effective in my opinion," a voice said. Jonathan Crane stood there with his burlap sack mask over his head. Darcy turned to him looking unimpressed.

Crane held out his hand for her to take. She took it and he brought it to his mask and kissed it.

"The Mistress of fear," he said thoughtfully. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard so much and I am rather impressed. I feel rather distressed that I am the last to meet you."

"Not quite the last," Penguin said. "The Bat hasn't met her yet."

Crane took his seat at the table and looked at her intently. She took a sip of her wine and leaned back in her chair.

"So anybody hear about the bank Mr. J and I robbed?" Harley asked. Everyone muttered in acknowledgement.

"Joker, how has the shipment of weapons been coming along?" Darcy asked. Joker grinned.

"Very well!"

"Riddle me this," Riddler said. "I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?"

"The human brain," Darcy and Crane answered in unison. Riddler looked slightly annoyed.

"We're five little items of an everyday sort; you'll find us all in 'a tennis court'," Riddler said challengingly.

"Vowels," Darcy said in an exasperated tone. "I'm all in,"

"Me too," Riddler said, all too fast.

"As am I," Harley piped up.

Crane nodded and threw all he had in the middle. Joker joined and so did everyone else.

Everyone laid down their cards. Killer Croc growled and Catwoman and Joker smirked. Riddler looked outraged, while Crane looked impressed.

A smirk was on Darcy's lips.

"I win," she said.

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