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I had another bad dream that night. A dream similar to the one I had in Megan's classroom except my dad had been there this time. He had remained silent while mom yelled at me, as if he was deaf. As if he didn't care. Maybe he didn't.

Blair said I had woken up panting. That I had jolted awake which then woke her. I didn't know exactly what was provoking the dreams but I just knew it was a bad sign.

So I went home late that Sunday with high hopes to miss Shawn and Megan. I wasn't in the mood for an interrogation about what my weekend consisted of and I wasn't ready to be approached by either one of them about the incident in Megan's class. Of course, that's if Megan had even told Shawn about what happened. I prayed she hadn't.

I walked in to the aroma of someone cooking in the kitchen. It smelt delicious, and if I knew anything about Shawn it was that he couldn't cook. It had to be Megan.

Shawn was sitting at the counter while she stirred something on the stove. As soon as I emerged in the kitchen both of their gazes fell onto me.

"Wow," Shawn spoke. "You're alive."

Barely. "Yeah," I answered, forcing a laugh.

Megan watched me without saying a thing. The look in her eyes let me know she hadn't forgotten about the other day.

"So what, you're plotting to move in with Blair or something?" Shawn continued.

My eyes met Megan's before I answered. "Could I?"

Shawn frowned.

"I'm just kidding." Not really.

"Have you eaten?" Megan asked. I felt the need to run in the opposite direction.

"I haven't."

"I'm making chicken parmesan," she claimed. "Shawn told me it was your favorite."

Oh really? Why the hell had they been talking about me in the first place?

I looked at Shawn. "Really?"

He shrugged. "She asked."

Okay, what was really going on? One second Megan was bitching me out on my birthday and the next she was fixing my favorite meal? Was she guilty of something? Or was she pitying me? Just thinking about the latter made me want to vomit. I certainly didn't need her pity.

"Excuse me," I stated, escaping to my room.

Did Shawn know about the dreams? If he did he wouldn't bring it up in front of Megan because he knew how personal that was to me. But he hadn't looked at me with worried eyes like Megan had. And he didn't seem to know why she was cooking my favorite meal. He didn't know. Which meant Megan hadn't told him.

But Megan liked getting personal, and I knew it was only a matter of time before she asked me about it.

So I avoided her. Or at least avoided being alone with her. It was the only way I could insure that she wouldn't be able to corner and ask me about it. I knew she would try because she was Megan, but if I erased the opportunity it wouldn't happen.

So I behaved in her class to make sure she didn't have a reason to keep me after. I didn't join her in the mornings either and waited till she left to make my coffee. After a week of that she seemed to have forgotten, and I labeled it as a personal victory.

But it seemed that when I dodged one problem, another always emerged from the shadows.

* * *

"Homecoming is in two weeks and I still haven't even found a dress. Oh my God... I need to make a hair appointment. And I still have to paint the banners for the pep rally-"

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now