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As predicted the meeting with Robert went smoothly because he thought I was going along with his poorly thought out plan. Ross gave me what I needed without charge since he knew my situation and Robert demanded another fix by this weekend. An entire week before I could get this nuisance out of my life, but patience was key here.

But even when I felt confident about getting rid of Robert for good, the kiss with Emma caused the guilt to swallow me whole.

I knew I would need to tell Megan. That was the right thing to do. But God I didn't want to.

Deep down I knew it meant nothing to me, and the only reason it happened was because I felt bad, but it wasn't an excuse.

"Are you gonna tell her?" Blair asked.

I sighed. "Yeah."


I hesitated. "Uh, I think so."

"You shouldn't wait."

"I'm scared."

"I know," she comforted. "But you need to. You want her to hear it from you and not someone else."

Blair was right but I could see Megan's face already. She would be mad. Really mad. And hurt. And that's the last thing I ever wanted to do to her.

God why was I so stupid?

I walked into class and took my seat, seeing Megan at her desk before. She gave me a small glance and a smile before I pulled away. She could tell I was guilty. I knew it.

Class proceeded and she would make eye contact with me every now and then. I would give her a smile and wish I didn't have to do what I was about to do. Then the bell rang and I wanted to vomit.

I stayed behind even though it was the last thing we should be doing, especially with the rumor, but it needed to be done. My heart was heavy as I watched her close the door.

"Megan I-"

But her lips sealed off my sentence before I could start. Everything that had felt cold and dead inside was now alive and warm. I grabbed her face, getting lost in the moment. I hadn't realized the need for her until I didn't have her, and it felt like it was killing me.

"I can't wait till you graduate," she confessed.

I felt my heart flutter. Megan rarely ever said things like this for the fear of freaking me out, but she couldn't hold back. How was I supposed to hurt her?

"Believe me. I can't wait either."

"So guess what," she teased.


"I got accepted to Mizzou," she revealed. Her happiness seemed unbreakable. "Soon it'll be Doctor Megan Adams once I get my Ph.D."

I should feel happy right now because I was proud of her, but all I could think about was this past weekend.

I smiled. "That's awesome."

Her mood dimmed by my lack of response.

"You okay?" she wondered.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered. "Why?"

She studied me. "I don't know you just seem-"

There was a knock on the door, startling us apart. I grabbed my book bag and moved away from her as the door slowly opened.

"So don't forget to read over the two previous chapters," Megan covered up. "They'll be on the final."

I nodded and looked at the guy in the doorway.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now