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"Megan has an ex-girlfriend?! Sam are you kidding me?"

Blair was taking this blow just like I had. It was like being blindsided. And I had tried my best not to stereotype, but Megan had been the last person I would assume to have dated girls.

"So what, is she bisexual? Has she had boyfriends too? Or is she just as gay as you?"

"No one's as gay as me," I admitted. "But I don't know. It's not like she was up for interrogation after that phone call."

"You need to find out."


"Because," Blair answered. "You just need to."

"You sound crazy."

She just stared at me before shoving my head. "Have you not fully processed this information yet? Megan, your astoundingly attractive roommate is into girls and you seem not to even care?"

"She's not just my roommate Blair," I answered. "She's also my teacher."

"Oh since when do you care about all the technicalities?"

I decided to ignore her.

Trust me, I've been freaking out about this information since Saturday night and I wasn't sure if I had processed it. It was enough I was already extremely attracted to her. So Blair drilling it into my head would probably only make it worse.

"So what's her ex's name?"

"Nikki," I answered.

"Why'd she call?"

I took an exasperated breath. "Apparently she's coming down for work and knew Megan was gonna be around."

"And Megan wasn't happy?"

"I mean, I don't think so. She seemed pretty upset for agreeing to meet but then again, why did she you know?"

"Because she still loves her."

"You get ahead of yourself sometimes."

"Sam, I'm telling you that's what it is," she answered. "Megan's ex dumped her and she's still hurt over it. And since she still loves her she couldn't help but accept to meet with this Nikki girl."

"Well, I wish her the best of luck."

"You're not curious?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

Blair tilted her head with an unconvinced expression.

"Okay, I'm a little curious," I confessed. "But I doubt if she's gonna invite her over to the apartment for me to see."

"We could creep on their meeting," she suggested.

"Once again, you're crazy."

"Oh c'mon, don't act like you don't wanna see the girl who dumped Megan Adams."

She was right, I was pretty curious. "Fine, I'll find out where the meeting is."

"Atta girl. See you later," she dismissed herself, leaving me in the hallway.

I walked towards Megan who stood outside her door looking a bit off on this Monday morning. Usually she was chirpy and talking with the other teachers, but today was different. I couldn't help but wonder if this was about the whole Nikki thing.

"Morning," I greeted.

"Good morning," Megan responded, keeping it professional. "Stay after class today."

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora