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The fact that I had somehow ended up in the principal's office within the first month of the school year was a new record for me. Usually I didn't start making stupid decisions until the first grade check. Or I just didn't get caught, but hiding what I had done was basically impossible. And the fact that I had made a horrible mistake during homecoming week was even worse. But bad decisions never really had good timing, did they?

"Sam, can you even drift this bad boy?" Eric, the infamous party-thrower, ran his hand over the hood of my car.

"Eric, I can drift better than anyone you know," I bragged. "And she's a girl."

"Of course."

I revved my engine, hearing the growl and feeling the vibration run up my spine. Yeah, that never got old.

"I bet you can't drift around the curb right there," he pointed.

The street that made an imperfect square around the school had one side that held more space than the others. The smooth curb also ran in between the fence of the softball field and a shallow ditch. It was a decent turn that I was about ninety-five percent sure I could most certainly drift.

"How much money you talkin?"

He scoffed. "Uh well, all I have is a twenty-"

"Deal." I shook his hand. "If I make a clean drift around the curb I get your twenty."

"Fine." He smirked. "But I'll be the judge."

Eric walked past the fence and stood on the safe side of the sidewalk as I drove out of the parking lot. If I was going to do some serious drifting I had to have a soundtrack. I punched my radio and tuned it to the rock station I loved so much. Luckily a Guns N' Roses song came on. Perfect.

And of course before I started I had a moment of hesitation. A thought that I always seemed to have before making a terrible decision. But I had already made the bet and I didn't have twenty bucks to lose, so there was no backing out now.

I took off. My tires squealed against the hot asphalt of the road. My heart pounded in my chest as I neared the turn. I wasn't going too fast, but fast enough as I attempted to determine the right time for the drift.

But unfortunately my timing was off. The back-side of my Camaro drifted but drifted too far. I felt the grip of my tires hit the grass, and then I heard the crunching sound of wood hitting against the back of my car. And all I could really do was ride out the damage I was creating while trying not to lose control.

When I came to a halt Eric's face basically said everything I needed to know. I took a deep breath and forced myself to look back at the damage that was more than I had anticipated.

The entire fence to the softball field was in shambles. Broken wood lied everywhere and I was too afraid to inspect my car for damage.

Then as if on cue, the vice principal spotted us.

Eric stood in silence next to me, too afraid to make a sound. The fear of being expelled breathed down his back.

I wouldn't let that happen. This was my fault, even though he had initially made the bet. But I wouldn't let him take the fall with me.

I nudged him. "I guess I owe you twenty bucks."

This got him to release a giggle.

Then the head principal came through the doors. "What's so funny? Do you even understand the damage that has been done? I should expel you two for vandalism of school property!"

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now