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Sunday 3:07 AM

jungkook: hey are you still up

jungkook: are

jungkook: you

jungkook: up

jungkook: ???

jungkook: hello????

me: isn't obvious when i don't answer, i am not up

jungkook: well you did so you are up

me: i was asleep until i got woken up just now

me: what do you want?

jungkook: i can't sleep

jungkook: and i am bored

jungkook: and i don't want to wake my group members

me: but you would wake me up

jungkook: well they have to wake up early for their schedule and i don't have anything on my schedule

me: how does you not needing to sleep earlier make me in the same position as you

jungkook: just entertain me until i am sleepy

me: okay, fine

me: do you want to play 20 questions or something like that?

jungkook: okay, you ask first

me: how old were you when you like debuted?

jungkook: 15

me: oh wow, you must have missed a lot of things

jungkook: i guess

jungkook: what are you studying in university?

me: right now i am studying in public services but i am not really sure what i want to be

jungkook: don't you have anything you like?

me: kind of

me: my interests are all over

jungkook: oh

jungkook: what are you most interested in?

me: i guess i will say business

jungkook: then just study business and if you don't like it, you can choose another career

me: yeah, thank you

me: do you have siblings?

jungkook: i have a brother

me: are you guys close?

jungkook: well we are not distant with each other but we aren't that close

jungkook: have you been on dates?

me: yes i have

jungkook: were they like bad dates or something...?

me: well they weren't bad but they weren't good also

me: none of them interested me

me: since we are on the topic, have you ever at least like legitimately liked someone? since you never dated

jungkook: uh now or in the past?

me: both, like ever in your life

jungkook: yeah i have

me: ooo

jungkook: yeah

jungkook: how did those people from your dates not match your interests?

me: wow, you want the full scoop

me: they weren't bad people, they just seem to prioritize their friends over relationships

jungkook: how

me: they all cancelled or left during or right before a date so they can go drinking or clubbing or something with their friends

me: they were also like overly cocky in my opinion

jungkook: don't girls like that?

jungkook: i thought all girls like a cocky bad boy type kind of guy

me: i don't know what girls you have been talking to but not all like that type

me: there might be a lot who do but i am not in that lot

jungkook: oh

me: did you go on anymore dates after that one fan girl date?

jungkook: no i haven't. i've gotten too busy to go out on dates

me: oh, that sucks

me: it is your turn to ask

me: hello?

me: i guess you fell asleep

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