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Thursday 9:18 PM

jungkook: i talked to them

me: and was it bad?

jungkook: no

jungkook: i felt relieved after, i am glad i did

me: you are welcome :))

jungkook: yeah

me: you say yeah a lot and sometimes it doesn't even make sense

jungkook: well i don't know how to reply to some texts so yeah seems like the most neutral thing to say

me: i see 

jungkook: what are you doing?

me: i am at work but there is literally no one here

jungkook: you are still at work?

me: i have the night shift today

jungkook: so you are staying up late tonight?

me: all nighter for me!

me: fun

jungkook: is the store usually busy at night?

me: not really except for the occasional drunks that comes and causes trouble

jungkook: are you the only one?

me: yeah i am

jungkook: isn't that dangerous

me: it is when the drunk is violent but i am old enough to handle it

jungkook: well if something happens, call someone

me: well obviously

me: it is natural to call for help when you need it

jungkook: i was trying to be concern

me: oh

me: oh well, thank you 

me: these high schoolers came in and they are talking about you 

jungkook: what are they saying

me: one of them said she is worried because you haven't been yourself lately

me: and then the other said she saw you earlier with the other members and you looked happy

me: now they are talking about your dating life

me: they wonder if you like anyone

jungkook: say yes

me: i don't want to join in on their conversation and they will ask how i know

jungkook: say you heard around

me: they said they are going to find who the person is and harass her

me: and now they are gone

me: poor girl

jungkook: i am sure they are just saying that

me: you said you haven't been on any dates for a while

jungkook: i haven't

me: oohh, i see

me: it is someone you know already

me: when did you think you started liking her?

jungkook: maybe like a couple of days ago

me: what kind of person is this girl?

jungkook: well she is uh nice

me: oh wow, that was very descriptive

jungkook: i don't know how to describe her in words

jungkook: she just interests me somehow

me: you've fallen hard man

me: that is when you know

jungkook: know what

me: just when you know

me: you should tell your members, i am sure they would have at least some knowledge of dealing with these kind of things

jungkook: i will tell them when they are all free

me: well good luck with that

me: i heard you have a concert tomorrow, you should sleep

me: you probably will have those practice thingys that people do before concerts

jungkook: how do you know i have one?

jungkook: are you falling for my group already?

me: no

me: ever since i gave my friends those tickets, she has been trying to get me into your group by telling me dates and showing me you guy's profiles

jungkook: and they didn't work?

me: i am just not wooed by pop music in general and i do not care for the social status of people

me: we came from same place and will end up in the same place, on equal grounds

jungkook: you have a point and you were right, i need to sleep early today

jungkook: good night and be safe

me: thank you, and sleep well

wrong number 》jjkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ