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Sunday 10:58 AM

jungkook: hey

jungkook: what are you doing?

me: i am out with some friends

jungkook: whoa, you are actually outside and not at home studying or at work

me: yeah surprise, i am not antisocial

jungkook: what are you guys doing?

me: we are going to get burgers

jungkook: lucky

jungkook: i want some but i can't

me: why

jungkook: because i am on a diet

me: oh sucks for you

jungkook: i need to keep in shape

me: well go eat your salads and i will eat my burgers :))

Sunday 12:17 PM

me: hey

jungkook: yes

me: can i ask for a favor from you

jungkook: it depends on what it is

me: can you like pull strings or something and get me tickets to your upcoming concert or fan meet or fan signing

jungkook: are you finally wanting to meet me?

jungkook: i knew it would happen

me: it is not for me

me: it is for my childhood friend

me: apparently you got her to be a fan of your group

me: her birthday is coming up and what a perfect coincidence that i know one of the members who can get me tickets for one of their events 

jungkook: does she know that you have my number?

me: i told you i wouldn't share your number to anyone and i stick to my words

jungkook: okay good because if my number leaks out, my manager would get angry and add on to my practice hours

me: so...can you get them?

jungkook: if i do, how would i give them to you?

me: mail them

jungkook: i do not know where you live

me: i will give you my work address and you can them there

jungkook: why not your house?

me: if you do ever share my information, at least people won't harass me at my home

jungkook: oh

jungkook: i guess i can get one for your friend

me: *enters an address*

me: thank you so much! :)))

jungkook: just give it a couple of days to get to you

me: :)))

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