bonus 11: commitment

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Friday 9:23 AM

jungoo oppa: hey hyung

jungoo oppa: can you do me a favor

me: wait what

jungoo oppa: haha you're so funny

jungoo oppa: okay, now can you listen to my favor?

me: what are you doing jungkook

me: i don't have time for this, i have to get ready

jungoo oppa: okay, whatever, keep saying that and i will continue

jungoo oppa: a couple of years ago, i accidentally texted this girl believing she was hyung and i asked her to make an excuse so i could skip practice and go on a date with this girl who i thought was hot

jungoo oppa: and then i found out she wasn't who i thought she was. i continued texting her because i had a feeling she was going to be fun to text and also because she caused me to have extra practice hours

jungoo oppa: at first she seemed very hostile and judgmental but as i texted her more, i could tell she was a little cutie who has a heart but hides it. i didn't realize it then but i was starting to fall for her

jungoo oppa: i would try to find an excuse to text her and every time we texted, i felt so happy for some reason. i lied to her and told her i didn't have any friends so she would text me more. i just really liked texting her, she made my day better.

jungoo oppa: i told you guys about her because i felt you guys were suspecting something. after a while, i finally got up the courage and went out to surprise her in person. we hung out for a bit and then the next day i confessed to her. she told me she had to think about it and that entire day i was just worried and thinking the worst would happen but in the end, she decided to give it a shot.

jungoo oppa: i started a relationship with her and we would go out every so often because she had school and i had work. but we texted everyday and everyday i felt myself falling for her more and more.

jungoo oppa: i think it was just through miracles that i ended up with someone like her. there is nothing that special about her but she somehow made my heart hurt. i really love her and today, i'm going to marry her.

jungoo oppa: so hyung, can you tell her i love her

me: i swear to god jungkook

me: it's not even noon and i'm crying already, stop it

me: i love you too jungkook

jungoo oppa: i wanna see you cry

me: that was very cute

me: oh my god, i can't stop crying

me: look what you did

me: i really have go get ready now

jungoo oppa: okay, fine

jungoo oppa: i will see you soon

me: i love you

jungoo oppa: aw, i love you too baby

(Third Person POV)

It's hours before the start of (Name) and Jungkook's wedding and she has barely gotten ready. With a brief interruption from Jungkook earlier through his little texting prank, she is on her way to becoming a bride. Her older sister Jinae and her friend Yeeun, is currently helping her do her hair and makeup.

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