fifty eight

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Tuesday 9:42 AM

jungoooppa: good morning honey baby

me: good morning jungrat

jungoooppa: this is how you treat your boyfriend first thing in the morning

me: yes

jungoooppa: this is the woman that has my heart

me: are you confessing your love for me

me: it is already too late, hoseok has taken mine already

jungoooppa: uh whAT

me: whaaat

me: have you seen him dance

jungoooppa: i can dance too

me: are you jeALOUS

jungoooppa: no

jungoooppa: anyways

jungoooppa: i can pick you up at noon

me: alrighty

me: do you have something to do before?

jungoooppa: yeaah

me: i see

jungoooppa: well i gotta go now

me: aww alright

me: have fun and be safe

jungoooppa: of course

Tuesday 10:10 AM

me: hey seoyeon, how are you feeling?

seoyeon: horrible

me: i am sorry

me: have you told your family about it?

seoyeon: no, i will just be an embarrassment to them

me: no, i don't think so

me: you shouldn't be alone especially after what had happened

me: how about you tell them and if they take it badly, you can always come to me

seoyeon: thank you

seoyeon: you have done so much for me already even though i was so mean to you before

me: imean yes you were very rude and unappealing but it doesn't mean i don't have a heart

seoyeon: and i am thankful for that

seoyeon: everyone else had just shrugged me off and told me to get over it

me: i am sorry

me: some people just are pure shit

seoyeon: i guess

seoyeon: i really don't deserve this kindness from you

seoyeon: i honestly thought you wouldn't care but you did and thank you for that

me: it is only what a decent person would do

seoyeon: i guess

seoyeon: i think i should get some sleep but thank you for checking up on me

me: please don't hesitate to call or text me if you need it

seoyeon: thank you

Tuesday 11:02 AM

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