Chapt. 2) Beautiful Eyes

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~Elena's POV~
I felt something calling to me... I heard a voice in my head and then it was clear...

"Elena wake up! Wake up! You need to get up... you're in danger!" My wolf was yelling at me.

I don't know what happened or what's wrong with me... but all I can see is black. My eyes aren't open, no.. they are closed and heavy. I think I'm unconscious? I don't know. I can hear shuffling around me and some talking.

I can't make out what they are saying.. only some things like "Alpha", "Rogue", and "Punishment". I remembered I went into the creepy building... then I heard a growl? I saw eyes? And now I'm here...I could feel myself slowly waking up after hearing those words.

My eyes were opened until I was blinded by a light above me. I then closed them and continued to blink a few times before having them completely open.

I looked around me and noticed I wasn't at home or anywhere near my home. I was in a cage like room. The bars surrounding me looked worn out. They had scratches, dents, and blood on them.

I began to freak out and tried to get up but I was restrained to a bed. I'm not good with being restrained. I absolutely hated having no control of my limbs.

I felt myself starting to have a panic attack. My body became weak and my breathing faltered, soon enough I let myself fall into the darkness once again.


I opened my eyes and saw a pair of blue eyes above me. They seemed familiar, welcoming.

I remember seeing them before. At the building. I remembered seeing them before I passed out? But I've seen them before that time as well.

They looked at me full of anger and hatred. I decided to look away but as soon as I did he grabbed my head roughly and turn it to face him.

As I looked at him he laughed and decided to slap me.

This bitch.

"Who do you think you are turning your head away from me?" He said laughing showing he enjoyed hitting me.

His voice.... it seemed so cold, so familiar. It wasn't the coldness that seemed familiar though.

He looked at me saw that I was thinking to myself and he smiled at me.. not in a nice way but in a serial killer way. I was scared. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I wanted to ask who he was but I couldn't.

He looked at me one last time before walking away from the table that I was on and out of the caged area I was in. I heard the door shut and then heard him speak to other people outside.

"Make sure you stay here and guard that filthy rogue. I'm sure she'll try to get out. The Alpha wouldn't enjoy that." He said coldly.

After that I heard his footsteps grow quieter. I'll just be calm in this situation for now. If I act like a fool my death date will just be sooner.

Since nobody was bothering me anymore I decided to take a nap and let my thoughts consume me.


When I woke up I was no longer on the table. I was moved the the floor.

These fuckers. They tossed me to the floor like I was a fucking dog... well I mean I am a dog but still. I'm a female! I'm also part human! I should get a bed or something. I went to stand up but something stopped me from getting up.... a chain.

Great! I'm chained like a dog too! I sighed and sat back down.

"Good to see you up." The voice from earlier said. I didn't answer him. He really needs a name...beautiful eyes?

Yes sure it doesn't match his attitude though. Or it could be dickhead but, I'll be nice.

"Beautiful eyes Elena? Really? I prefer dickhead." My wolf said.

'Yes beautiful eyes. I don't know his name so it will be beautiful eyes for now and dickhead seems too mean.' I said.

I looked over towards him and he had some water and food. I tried to jump up I was so excited but I was pulled back by my chain. I got frustrated and put my arms across my chest.

He started laughing and threw the food on the floor at me.

He did not just fucking do that. I grabbed the tray my food was on and threw it at his head.

So much for being calm Elena. Good job for letting your anger get the best of you!

"You're an asshole and a coward. You could've set my food down in front of me like a normal person." I said to him.

He turned around and his eyes were.... black. I fucked up.

"Oh I'm sorry did that offend you?" I asked cocking up a eyebrow.

"You little bitch!" He yelled as I dodged his fist but I couldn't dodge the rest of his hits due to my chain.

As soon as his hand hit me I hissed in pain.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered.

He just looked at me and spit on me.

He really wanted to die today. He's lucky these chains are holding me back.

I felt so angry? Pissed? Sad? Scared? Happy? that he wasn't hitting me anymore.

He looked at me with humorous laugh.

"I can't wait until the Alpha comes to torture you. You're a piece of work." He said and walked away slamming the doors.

Please let the Alpha torture me. I am ready for him. He's probably a coward just like his little beta.

Realizing the Alpha was coming I started to mentally scold myself.

Why Elena why!

Why did I always have to be so stubborn?

Why was I always getting myself in trouble?

What did I just get myself into... Fuck!

Maybe he won't come until later which gives me of time for a plan.

Just as I thought I was safe for a few I saw a talk dark figure approach my cage...

Fuck my life.

Elena | ✔️ (EDITING SOON)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora