Chapt. 20) Ignorance

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~Elena's POV~
I heard that Abel was supposed to be home today from his 'pack business' and I was pissed. How do you leave your mate to go attend some bullshit all the way across the world.

Fucking pathetic.

I am still in the hospital on bed rest. It's been almost 2 weeks since I've been in this annoying place. My mother and father had to leave a few days ago, to go back to their pack. I'm glad I got to see them though, it was really nice having familiar faces around.

Since I've been locked in this hospital room 24/7, I really don't do much. I've lost weight because the food here is shit, I look deadly, and I'm extremely lonely.

Cough Abel.

I mainly sit around and watch tv or I read dumb magazines. I really need a phone or laptop. I want to play games.

Mentally sighing, I closed my eyes. Maybe I should just sleep until I can be released or until I magically die.

As my eyes were closed, I heard my room door open causing me to stiffen. The person shuffled across the room standing at the side of me bed. I couldn't smell anything or sense who it was but I knew someone was there.

They grabbed my hand and I was instantly filled with tingles making me jolt up. Abel.

Why couldn't I smell him?

I just stared at him. Why couldn't I smell him? Why is he here? Why the fuck did he leave me is the real question.

"Elena I'm so sorry." He said crying into my hand.

"Abel get off of me. You disgust me. Why couldn't I smell you?" I spat, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Elena please, I don't want to fight. I had to go handle something so that you could be safe!" He pleaded.

"I'm wearing a scent masking spray." He added.

I nodded and instantly went into bitch mode.

"You know what fuck you Abel. I hope you know that I literally went unconscious because you weren't here, I also had to fight for my fucking life because your dumbass decided it was smart to leave me." I yelled causing him to flinch.

He makes me so angry.

"Elena I'm sorry." He said in a whisper with tears streaming down his face.

"Get out. My mother was right. I don't need a mate. I don't need you." I said harshly pointing at the door.

He looked up at me anger evident in his eyes. "Don't you dare fucking say that. Do you know what I had to just do? Do you know how much I love you Elena! I did this for you! I left for you, to keep you safe!" He screamed.

"No I don't know what you just did because everything is a fucking secret with you. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Room. Abel!" I yelled.

"I'm not leaving." Was all he said before sitting on the couch across from me.

I grabbed my remote to call the nurses and pushed the red button.

A few minutes later a nurse came in with a smile on her face. "Is everything all right Luna?"

"No, I want that Alpha out of my room. Now." I said pointing my finger at Abel.

"You're kicking me out of my own fucking pack hospital?" He growled.

"I can call security. I don't know how well it's going to go...since Alpha is stronger than most." She whispered to me.

"Just get this pathetic man out of my room before I destroy this whole entire hospital and everyone in it." I said with a cold stare.

"Elena stop. If you're going to act that way I'll just have you restrained. You won't hurt m-our pack." He said sternly.

"Try me Abel. Restrain me, it only makes you look bad. First you leave your dying mate then you restrain her." I said looking at him with disgust.

The nurse was still standing here, her head going from me to Abel as we both yelled, fright present on her face.

"Shut the fuck up! Just stop. I apologized! I did it to keep you safe. How about you be more grateful for fucks sake." He snapped at me.

My heart monitor started to beep rapidly. My vision was going blurry and I was filled with anger. I finally snapped.

The nurse ran over to me, yelling for assistance. She started to put an oxygen mask over my face.

I pulled down the mask and whispered "Nurse get security. If I have to look at him any longer or know he's in my room I will go insane."

"Yes Luna." She said before replacing the mask.

Suddenly more doctors and nurses started to pour into the room. They all tried to help me breathe and calm my heart rate.

Abel appeared over me. My eyes grew heavy, I looked at his teary face and heard him say "Elena I'm sorry, I-I love you." before the darkness consumed me again.







I kinda cried / laughed while writing this for some reason. It made me really emotional and also I wrote it at 2AM SOOOOO THATS PROBABLY ANOTHER REASON WHY. I literally don't sleep anymore but thank you for reading! Remember to Vote & Comment!

- Sami

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