five : freya has been abusing benson

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grayson's pov

i was lying on my bed with freya next to me. her head was on my chest, her arm linked with mine. our bodies underneath the thick duvet of the bed. it has been two hours we're in this bed and i'm still wide awake, picturing reffda and benson in my mind.

when benson woke up, he told reffda to stay with him for the night because he was scared. i don't even know what he was scared of but reffda instantly agrees when benson said he was frightened. i was confused. why did benson tell reffda about what he was afraid of instead of me?

i feel like a shitty father right now. like i couldn't do anything to make benson feel safe. reffda had went home for a while to get her things for the night and brought benson along. benson cried when reffda said he must ask me first. however, he stopped when i told him that he could follow reffda.

the smile on his face was brighter than the one i have never seen before. when they left, freya and i cuddled on the couch and watch some random shows.

after an hour or two, the both of them came back. benson's hand had a plastic bag which contain a pack full of jelly beans. i wasn't happy with the fact that reffda is buying things for my son. however, i tried to pay her back the money for the candy but she refused and told me it was a present for benson since he has been a very good boy.

but still, i'm adding the money into her pay. whatever money she use to pay for benson's things, i would add them in her pay check.

being a babysitter looks so tough to me but it never was to reffda. she has been handling benson so well and i'm happy that she's benson's babysitter. i couldn't stand to see benson being taken care of by other people. i trust reffda but not freya.

maybe i trust reffda because she is willing to take care of benson when she can get a better job at other places. but if that happened, i wouldn't have met reffda.

i really hope that freya will really use this opportunity to make it up to benson or i will have no choice but to end our relationship. i actually feel like reffda is my girlfriend and not freya. freya stirred in my arms and i looked down to see her looking at me with sleepy eyes.

"why aren't you asleep, babe?" she asked, her voice tired.

"i couldn't sleep. i've been thinking a lot lately. maybe that's the reason why i couldn't sleep." i replied, kissing her forehead.

"thinking about what?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"nothing to worry about. i'm going to go and get some air. you go back to sleep." i said, patting her shoulder before moving her and sat up.

i got on my feet and walked out of the bedroom door. i sighed before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. i jumped, clutching my fist to my chest when i saw reffda sitting there, staring into blank space.

"reffda? what are you doing here alone? why aren't you sleeping?" i asked once i calmed myself down.

"i've been thinking a lot lately." she responded.

her words were the exact same as mine.

"what are you thinking about?" i asked, taking a seat next to her.

"nothing much. i was just thinking about benson, my father and cameron." she answered, scratching the side of her head with small smile.

i don't know why i feel this way. i shouldn't feel this way since i already have a girlfriend and she is only a babysitter. i shouldn't have asked her what she was thinking about if i know that she will say cameron's name to me.

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