forty-eight: it's a girl!

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update !!!

reffda's pov

when i left his office, the bright, afternoon sun hit me. i shield my eyes from the bright light as i walked towards the coffee shop near the office. i was hoping to get the chocolate ice blended from there. when i used to work at the company last time, i always came here to get coffee.

once i had my chocolate ice blended, i left the shop. i had to get a cab since i came here in one. vincent, of course, wanted to send me here. but i denied his offer, saying that i wanted to get some alone time with grayson and that he doesn't have to wait. knowing vincent, if he did send me, he would've waited in the car until i'm out of the building.

i walked down the street. it's been a while since i walked alone by myself, out of the house. i have my kids there, i know. but being pregnant again, this time, i craved about wanting to have my time alone without anybody next to me.

this baby in my tummy is so much more different than when i was pregnant with indigo. with indigo, i was only out when grayson allowed me to.

it felt really relieving but at the same time, weird because there's no bodyguard here. as i walked more, i felt someone following me. i turned around to see a plump guy leaning against the wall, smoking his cigarette. i tilted my head in confusion.

i started walking again. i heard footsteps behind me. i pat my tummy a few times before making a run for a place with crowded people. when i reached the area, i sighed in relief. shouldn't have been stubborn when vincent offered me a ride. now, i'm alone, running away from i don't know who.

i quickly hailed for a cab and went in. telling the house address to the driver, i heaved a sigh of relief. never would i ever go out on my own again, especially now that i'm pregnant again.

time flew by and it's already a new year. i'm five months pregnant. my bump could be seen now. i wasn't followed around anymore by anyone. i always had someone to accompany me when i go out. having vincent around made me less worried about being followed by anyone. he's great company honestly. we've become closer in so many ways. we've moved on from our past and he's really happy for me and grayson, now that i'm pregnant again.

indigo has been rather clingy to me these days. now that my bump is much more obvious that before, alice didn't allow me to wear the baby carrier. she's scared that it might be tight for me and things like that. i'm really thankful for having her around. she's like my next mother now besides my mom and lisa.

i'm going for a check up again soon. i wasn't so sure if i want to know the baby gender just yet. i want to know but i don't know if it's fair for me to know and grayson doesn't. i could do a baby gender reveal for him too. i smirked, that's not a bad idea too.

i have to be very careful because nowadays, grayson has been texting me a lot and it worries me because chantel can find out that he's talking to me when she's around. but let's not think too much about that.

i sat on the dining table with indigo in my lap as i eat my breakfast. benson was sitting next to me eating his nutella bread.

"mommy, when can we see daddy? i miss him."

"soon, baby. soon."

i don't know how long that soon is going to be. i pitied benson because he has never been away from his dad unless grayson goes for overseas business. it has been too long since they met each other and grayson is not risking anything that could hurt anyone. and i know deep down that grayson wants to see his two kids too. we always videocall but it's not the same as having physical contact with each other.

i have to go for the regular check ups for my baby later on. vincent is taking me there. the kids are staying with alice. vincent has been taking days off of work when i have my check ups because he said he doesn't want to worry about me if i go on my own and that he promised grayson that he would take care of me.

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